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Can I convert the screens to English?

£1200 supplied and fitted you come to me and 50% deposit as it takes 2 weeks from placing order
have you actually fitted one yet, it would be great to see it if you have... :innocent:
have you actually fitted one yet, it would be great to see it if you have... :innocent:
Will be doing it soon as I can get the time I am also fitting a 17” screen in the roof at the same time.
£1200 supplied and fitted you come to me and 50% deposit as it takes 2 weeks from placing order
A great offer thank you, I wish I could, So the best part of 400 miles from me and a 7 hour trip one way! not to even mention fuel costs and time lol See what I mean, hope on one hand, depair on the other... : unamused:
A great offer thank you, I wish I could, So the best part of 400 miles from me and a 7 hour trip one way! see what I mean, hope on one hand, depair on the other... : unamused:
Yes and take about 1/2 hr to fit
Would the £1200 include the buttons.
Isn't it all virtually direct replacement though, pull one put plug the other in?
Just use the S3 stereo as it is and purchase a 50 quid GPS Sat Nav system. It doesn't take long to get used to the stereo and aircon/trip menu's, and the audio settings are mainly in English anyway . For the other stuff like resetting service intervals I have a translated booklet in the glovebox which I use maybe once every couple of months. I like the S3 system. of course nothing in Carwings works anyway, so no point translating that.

It's all hard disk based. If anybody wants one to play with I have a spare unit you can have for the cost of postage. The DVD/CD chassis unplugs from the top of hard disk section. If you are interested in taking it and pulling it apart let me know. I can send the whole thing including facia, or just the head unit.
Just use the S3 stereo as it is and purchase a 50 quid GPS Sat Nav system. It doesn't take long to get used to the stereo and aircon/trip menu's, and the audio settings are mainly in English anyway . For the other stuff like resetting service intervals I have a translated booklet in the glovebox which I use maybe once every couple of months. I like the S3 system. of course nothing in Carwings works anyway, so no point translating that.

It's all hard disk based. If anybody wants one to play with I have a spare unit you can have for the cost of postage. The DVD/CD chassis unplugs from the top of hard disk section. If you are interested in taking it and pulling it apart let me know. I can send the whole thing including facia, or just the head unit.
You do know most of us know that any way dont you lol I bet there isn't one poster on this thread that doesn't do that in various different ways, I just would love to see mine exactly how it should or could be, I mirascreen mine anyway... but would still love the unit to full work in English
You do know most of us know that any way dont you lol I bet there isn't one poster on this thread that doesn't do that in various different ways, I just would love to see mine exactly how it should or could be, I mirascreen mine anyway... but would still love the unit to full work in English
That's one more off the Christmas list then.
Darkness will beat me tonight plenty wires on this unit
Unit out in under 5 min
Unit stripped down and out
Japanese buttons
English buttons ready to fit into dash.
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