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So, following on from the recent cinderblock incident, I was out collecting something sporty, lightweight and shiny for KURO this morning and this little chap decided he wanted to have a fight... it did not end well for him... I'm just glad he didn't hit the sexy new grille that was installed the other week and only bounced off my windscreen, but I am thinking of staying at home for the foreseeable, as stoopid 'flying things' keep trying to wreck my Van :mad:

The sign, chuckles, has 'Middle Wallop' on it, very apt for flying things hitting ya car, 'it's a sign' :heart_eyes: ;) :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:



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So, following on from the recent cinderblock incident, I was out collecting something sporty, lightweight and shiny for KURO this morning and this little chap decided he wanted to have a fight... it did not end well for him... I'm just glad he didn't hit the sexy new grille that was installed the other week and only bounced off my windscreen, but I am thinking of staying at home for the foreseeable, as stoopid 'flying things' keep trying to wreck my Van :mad:

The sign, chuckles, has 'Middle Wallop' on it, very apt for flying things hitting ya car, 'it's a sign' :heart_eyes: ;) :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I bet it had an headache after your not having much luck with that front end :(
I bet it had an headache after your not having much luck with that front end :(

It did lose some feathers that's for sure but no damage to the van on this occasion thankfully.

Maybe its the 'unlucky' green paint taking all the hits, I need to drive the other way, so the purple side is showing or wait until the sun goes in for the black paint to show :)
It did lose some feathers that's for sure but no damage to the van on this occasion thankfully.

Maybe its the 'unlucky' green paint taking all the hits, I need to drive the other way, so the purple side is showing or wait until the sun goes in for the black paint to show :)
That would be a pain but the sun doesn't shine much so you should be ok :joy: good it didn't damage it that would be gutting after the other incident
Drive backwards mate, you never see a bird or a cinder block for that matter fly into the back of a car :rolleyes:
These things are said to come in three's, maybe you should borrow a not so friends car for your next trip :innocent:
It must have suddenly changed from purple to green and confused the pigeon.
Well it ain't confused any more. Bloody nuisance are pigeons, just a flying rat.
It was a bit worrying at one place on the A303, as there were lots of deer in the road (dead sadly), so I was really trying not to hit one of those or any live ones tbh, I didn't think to worry about pigeons and then thump, 'middle wallop' ;)
Lucky its pigeons, we got hawks that love to settle on road kill, make a fine mess of the front of an Elgrand, but biggest menace is stones, already had two wind screen chips fixed in 3mth, thanks goodness its free with insurance , but I dont need any more .
So I contacted the rac after I spotted they had raised my monthly payments from 18 to 29 what's that all about they never gave any explanation for it but after I said I'm leaving they would see what they can do and lowers it back down to 18 and threw in key cover bit of a wtf bonus
So I contacted the rac after I spotted they had raised my monthly payments from 18 to 29 what's that all about they never gave any explanation for it but after I said I'm leaving they would see what they can do and lowers it back down to 18 and threw in key cover bit of a wtf bonus

I swap mine around each year because the main 3 (aa, rac and green flag) all do the same, they start you off on an 'introductory promotion offer' price and then hike it up on the renewal hoping some won't notice the hike and stay. I am currently with RAC, was with green flag, and the AA the year before that, lol
I agree, it's like most insurance, they sucker you in with a cheap price and stick you on auto renewal hoping you won't bother to shop around each year or check the renewal price.
I swap mine around each year because the main 3 (aa, rac and green flag) all do the same, they start you off on an 'introductory promotion offer' price and then hike it up on the renewal hoping some won't notice the hike and stay. I am currently with RAC, was with green flag, and the AA the year before that, lol
Nice one I so basically they are all out to rob you:joy:will be keeping an eye on it from now on
Nice one I so basically they are all out to rob you:joy:will be keeping an eye on it from now on

Yeah, been changing mine for the last 15 years, I rotate between the 3 to give it a full 24 months before i go back to the same one, and pick up their new introductory offer :)