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Yeah, been changing mine for the last 15 years, I rotate between the 3 to give it a full 24 months before i go back to the same one, and pick up their new introductory offer :)
I'll bear that in mind next time my renewal is due thanks for the good advice ;)
Been offered a 70% refund on some chrome trim I bought a few weeks back that is damaged and not fit for use oh and they said I can keep it🤔
Sometimes if you keep insisting on a full refund they will give you it and you can keep it. All they want is non negative feedback.
Sometimes if you keep insisting on a full refund they will give you it and you can keep it. All they want is non negative feedback.
I've asked for a full refund think it's a bit cheeky when you buy something that looks good and turns up damaged I just said it isn't my fault and the bin would spit it out
If its damaged, you can return it and get a full refund, as it was inadequately packed to protect it during transit.

Only offering a 70% refund but you have to send it back, sounds like they intend to resell it again to someone else, and go though the whole process again, so they gain 30% each time for selling the damaged item
A woman at work got some damaged goods from Ebay.
Offered her 25% and keep
Then 50% and keep
Then 75% and keep
She just kept insisting she wanted a full refund and it to be returned.
In the end they refunded in full and said just keep it. Just don't leave us bad feedback.
So she kept it and after the refund slated them lol.
And I repaired the damaged goods as good as new.
If its damaged, you can return it and get a full refund, as it was inadequately packed to protect it during transit.

Only offering a 70% refund but you have to send it back, sounds like they intend to resell it again to someone else, and go though the whole process again, so they gain 30% each time for selling the damaged item
Yeh I recon it's a good money earner for them lots of people would except that and 30% adds up tbf it looked like it had a previous owner to me :joy: they blamed the postal service for damage and wouldn't send me another as it would happen again
A woman at work got some damaged goods from Ebay.
Offered her 25% and keep
Then 50% and keep
Then 75% and keep
She just kept insisting she wanted a full refund and it to be returned.
In the end they refunded in full and said just keep it. Just don't leave us bad feedback.
So she kept it and after the refund slated them lol.
And I repaired the damaged goods as good as new.
If they get awkward about it I'll just say I'll open a case see what they say I'll give them nice feed back if I get a full refund or may be not for the cheek lol
Yeh I recon it's a good money earner for them lots of people would except that and 30% adds up tbf it looked like it had a previous owner to me :joy: they blamed the postal service for damage and wouldn't send me another as it would happen again

Well, if they say it would happen again, then they are not packing properly or they should use a courier service that refunds THEM for damage... still sounds like a scam to me. Hope you get a full refund mate
Well, if they say it would happen again, then they are not packing properly or they should use a courier service that refunds THEM for damage... still sounds like a scam to me. Hope you get a full refund mate
Exactly just sounds like an excuse to me I'm thinking the same way as you now I'll keep on at them until I get a full refund cheers mate :)
On the trip back from working in Lymington and seeing all the dumb fucks heading toward the beaches .. take your rubbish home with you and don’t go and see your gran for a while .. I hope you enjoy being stuck in a four mile jam for a couple of hours .. fuck wits ..
So I contacted the rac after I spotted they had raised my monthly payments from 18 to 29 what's that all about they never gave any explanation for it but after I said I'm leaving they would see what they can do and lowers it back down to 18 and threw in key cover bit of a wtf bonus
TIP.... cancel the renewal then renew it 10 minutes later at the cheaper introductory price with added extras! Been doing that for years!
TIP.... cancel the renewal then renew it 10 minutes later at the cheaper introductory price with added extras! Been doing that for years!
Cheers mate got it for the introductory price in the end just shows how they try get your money
well just got back from halfords after going there to look at bikes for the grandkids they have NO bikes not one and will not be getting any till mid-september then had to do the covid dance at the till for two sponges
well just got back from halfords after going there to look at bikes for the grandkids they have NO bikes not one and will not be getting any till mid-september then had to do the covid dance at the till for two sponges
been like this for ages at my local