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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

Do you have a link to the radiator please Simon @Lpgc , so that I can bookmark it for future just in case? Thanks

Boston Motorcool in Boston, Lincolnshire http://www.carradiatorsboston.com/

They have Elgrand rads for sale on Ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/254621064519?hash=item3b48991d47:g:8R0AAOSwMX9e4KSg and the mobile number 07837738709 is at the bottom of the listing. No worries about posting the mobile number online as a Google search shows the number is posted all over the internet anyway (like my number lol), not just on Ebay.

The price on Ebay is £220 but I phoned the mobile number and asked for a trade discount, seems they gave me a big discount down to £138 from £229.

Yet to be seen if the rad fits my Elgrand, though I've opened the box and it looks like it will. Too busy working on customers Elgrands today to work on my own ;-)

Cheers David, Simon.
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They have Elgrand rads for sale on Ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/254621064519?hash=item3b48991d47:g:8R0AAOSwMX9e4KSg and the mobile number 07837738709 is at the bottom of the listing. No worries about posting the mobile number online as a Google search shows the number is posted all over the internet, not just on Ebay, anyway.

The price on Ebay is £220 but I phoned the mobile number and asked for a trade discount, seems they gave me a big discount down to £138 from £229.

Yet to be seen if the rad fits my Elgrand, though I've opened the box and it looks like it will. Too busy working on customers Elgrands today to work on my own ;-)

Cheers David, Simon.
Thanks Simon, helpful as always :)
Back from my short break on the N Yorks coast - 420km driven in total and never missed a beat - such great machines with so much versatile space inside them. My wife and daughter rode in the back row, with the middle row pushed fully forwards. This left a 'living room' sized floor for our 2 dogs to lie in at their feet - they all loved it :blush: