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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

On the assumption you have a black Elgrand, then I can recommend poorboys black hole. It's a glaze (polish with fillers), but brings up black cars lovely - I use it on our legacy. Normally around the £13 mark for just under 500ml if I remember rightly.

A good small bottle (250ml) of shampoo at a reasonable price for you to try (free delivery):

And for a wax, I've gone back to my Meguiars Next Gen wax - even puts a shine on the white bus (hard to get a good shine on white). I only went back to it as when I sorted my garage out over the winter, I found I had a full unopened bottle so decided to give it a go again. I'm that impressed on the finish with it using my DA polisher, I may stick with it now (again) :joy:

Hope that all helps

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@David1972 you are a star! It's G30 Black and I want to bring out the best in it! In over 40 years of driving I've not been that arsed about anything more than a simple wash and wax. The E51 has such a mint body I've turned into an OCD detailing freak!
Finally got it installed Im a happy chappy now.
@David1972 you are a star! It's G30 Black and I want to bring out the best in it! In over 40 years of driving I've not been that arsed about anything more than a simple wash and wax. The E51 has such a mint body I've turned into an OCD detailing freak!

Bear in mind this is 20 years old now and this is how it came up with the poorboys
On the assumption you have a black Elgrand, then I can recommend poorboys black hole. It's a glaze (polish with fillers), but brings up black cars lovely - I use it on our legacy. Normally around the £13 mark for just under 500ml if I remember rightly.

A good small bottle (250ml) of shampoo at a reasonable price for you to try (free delivery):

And for a wax, I've gone back to my Meguiars Next Gen wax - even puts a shine on the white bus (hard to get a good shine on white). I only went back to it as when I sorted my garage out over the winter, I found I had a full unopened bottle so decided to give it a go again. I'm that impressed on the finish with it using my DA polisher, I may stick with it now (again) :joy:

Hope that all helps

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Nice shine on that.. I've got a white X-trail company hack, know what you mean about white! I understand that white Elgrands are faster than black ones so legend says.....
On the assumption you have a black Elgrand, then I can recommend poorboys black hole. It's a glaze (polish with fillers), but brings up black cars lovely - I use it on our legacy. Normally around the £13 mark for just under 500ml if I remember rightly.

A good small bottle (250ml) of shampoo at a reasonable price for you to try (free delivery):

And for a wax, I've gone back to my Meguiars Next Gen wax - even puts a shine on the white bus (hard to get a good shine on white). I only went back to it as when I sorted my garage out over the winter, I found I had a full unopened bottle so decided to give it a go again. I'm that impressed on the finish with it using my DA polisher, I may stick with it now (again) :joy:

Hope that all helps

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Just ordered them, I'm off bank holiday week, she thinks we're going for nice days out. I've got a week to think of a way to let her down gently.
Chocolates, wine and brief access to a credit card (while I'm washing & buffing) should do the trick :):)
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I had one little job to do this morning ie fix some guttering, then plan was start on the seat swivel not a bloody chance . 5 minutes before I finished the guttering it starts to rain , so no swivel fitting this morning 🌧🌧🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬, I'm hoping the rain stops and I can get on with things this afternoon 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🙏😎👍
Can of worms time.
Took the dashcam sdcard out and downloaded the video of a lorry driver going through two red lights at M5 J25 southbound roundabout and undertaking an RV on the roundabout whilst indicating left but going right???. That muppet will kill someone oneday. Sent the footage to Avon and Somerset police.
I had one little job to do this morning ie fix some guttering, then plan was start on the seat swivel not a bloody chance . 5 minutes before I finished the guttering it starts to rain , so no swivel fitting this morning 🌧🌧🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬, I'm hoping the rain stops and I can get on with things this afternoon 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🙏😎👍
I didn’t get far with mine eitherimage.jpg
Tried to remove drivers armrest as needed to install new cover on it. Bolt came out part way and now just spins. Won't come out or tighten. AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! Anyone any idea if this is a seat out and stripdown job?
Tried to remove drivers armrest as needed to install new cover on it. Bolt came out part way and now just spins. Won't come out or tighten. AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! Anyone any idea if this is a seat out and stripdown job?
Pull the armrest away from the seat whilst undoing the bolt.