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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

bottle of wine sounds good although its usually port for me :joy: i think its a case of who can scare the public the most at the moment go on holiday/dont go on holiday /work from home/go to work /dont hug /do it with caution aaaarg sod the lot
LOL it's not missing I know where it is.
Getting one of These tomorrow to get rid of the tape then weather permitting start the repair.
Gd luck with the weather , forecast is rain for a canny few days , weather stopped me carry in with mine on Sunday , ref tape remover , debadged mine for respray, I ended up sanding disc the 3m off , didn’t matter on mine cus it’s getting sprayed
He's a good lad, blind bless him, but lies down on command
I would need treats to get mine to lie down on a beach ha ha , always charging about , our oldest 9 normally needs a week to recover from a weekend beach trip
if offered the jab and not taken up and end up[ with covid tell them to piss off