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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

I was just looking into changing my tints. Do you mind sharing roughly what it costs to do please?
The firm I'm using are charging their standard medium van/MPV rate of £289. I'm getting limo tint on all the rear windows.
Just paid my tax £345.
I added in the comments section on how to improve the service with
"Lower my tax and charge electric cars the same as they use the same tarmac. After all the car tax is supposed to be for the roads not the air we breath."
Just paid my tax £345.
I added in the comments section on how to improve the service with
"Lower my tax and charge electric cars the same as they use the same tarmac. After all the car tax is supposed to be for the roads not the air we breath."
Sadly that's why they changed it from road tax to VED based on CO2 emissions.
Oh and why they went fully digital and you can't now pass tax discs over to new buyers....
The firm I'm using are charging their standard medium van/MPV rate of £289. I'm getting limo tint on all the rear windows.
i have been quoted 130 for the 4 side windows and rear screen in full black tint in bradford .worth the fuel and a day out
The firm I'm using are charging their standard medium van/MPV rate of £289. I'm getting limo tint on all the rear windows.

i have been quoted 130 for the 4 side windows and rear screen in full black tint in bradford .worth the fuel and a day out
I take it these are “inside” tints
Do both rear windows open or are you’s having them done whilst windows shut?
I take it these are “inside” tints
Do both rear windows open or are you’s having them done whilst windows shut?
open. yes inside tints windows open as far as they can on standard catches ..they say they have done a few elgrands and alphards and mercs ,,i have used them on a golf in the past and they did a good job ,,not had my van done yet as more important thngs to fund at mo
open. yes inside tints windows open as far as they can on standard catches ..they say they have done a few elgrands and alphards and mercs ,,i have used them on a golf in the past and they did a good job ,,not had my van done yet as more important thngs to fund at mo
probablly get it done next month
The firm I'm using are charging their standard medium van/MPV rate of £289. I'm getting limo tint on all the rear windows.
Thanks. I leave my blackout panels permanently on my rear passenger windows, but I want to tint the sliding doors more and the back windscreen.
Harsh but fair lol
yes but nearby theres Saltair, Haworth ,Bingley,or just watch the traffic and the worst drivers in britain of a certain ethnicity who have to race to 80 mph between each speed bump and use the rhight hand lane to turn left
Drove to Germany, filled up with just over 71 litres €136,00 and managed to get nearly 600km, pretty happy with that!
would love to drive to germany for fuel ,,,,from yorkshire,,,as we speak my dad who at 93 is at lake garda ..one week into his annual three week road trip through the alps to tour Italy doing it solo in his jaguar ...AMAZING