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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

Ive seen a lot worse colour oil come from an Elgrand gearbox... that looks pretty clean to me or am I talking sh*t! lol
Well done for doing it bud Im still debating with mine!! :confused:
Me too, was pleased to be fair although it’s still just about dark enough to warrant a change but doesn’t need flushing so all’s good.
Filter was clean enough and minimal shit in the pan ( a bit sludgy round the magnets and not too many shiny bits, I actually expected more)

Only get about 5ltr out just dropping it so will drop it again after a few miles
And wasn't some weather forcaster 'exposed' the other month for talking about how it's been the 'warmest' April on record......standing in 4 layers of clothing 😁
I didn't see that, so I'm going to look for it 😅
Guess what I did today, well nearly lol

View attachment 103622
Got as far as filter change and oil pan back on before rain stopped play, again

The pan doesn't lol too bad of a job, I've put mine off a bit until i can get time to lower the gear box mount 🫣
Tried fusso99 for the first time, ain’t using that again, it pissed down with rain straight after ?
Much harder to polish up than auto glym super resin polish, but it is a bit waxier perhaps. Not fond of the work to do it though.
Tried fusso99 for the first time, ain’t using that again, it pissed down with rain straight after ?
Much harder to polish up than auto glym super resin polish, but it is a bit waxier perhaps. Not fond of the work to do it though.
Love resin polish I do
Tried fusso99 for the first time, ain’t using that again, it pissed down with rain straight after ?
Much harder to polish up than auto glym super resin polish, but it is a bit waxier perhaps. Not fond of the work to do it though.
That's strange I've only ever used the Soft99 Fusso Coat 12 Months Wax
which lasts for 12 months that is easy to use.
Changed a track rod end.

What should have been a 10 minute job became over 90 minutes because the old one was in so tight. Tried all the usual tricks including ball joint removers, 'tuning fork' pry bars, jack on the stud, heat, penetrating oil, etc, and in combination. Nothing seemed to be working and I was getting ready to cut and drill when it finally came off (it's off in this pic).

As Andre has said, but it runs here, there and everywhere....as shown in the diagram.

View attachment 103296

Replaced the screen washer pipe from driver footwell to rear quarter all in one 4m run, the diagram was perfect so thank you.
I have a working squirter now and have squirted several times to see it works !
Changed a track rod end.

What should have been a 10 minute job became over 90 minutes because the old one was in so tight. Tried all the usual tricks including ball joint removers, 'tuning fork' pry bars, jack on the stud, heat, penetrating oil, etc, and in combination. Nothing seemed to be working and I was getting ready to cut and drill when it finally came off (it's off in this pic).

View attachment 103673
By heck you hit that a few times simon, I could count the indents if I had more than ten fingers lol
Started version 2 on the camper configuration and some bits came from amazon via my next door neighbour I was out the front when they dropped it off to them...I'm not sure how hard it is to get the right house lol.
Tried fusso99 for the first time, ain’t using that again, it pissed down with rain straight after ?
That would have had nothing to do with the Fusso. It's been hammering down where I am and I haven't been using Fusso

The rain isn't 'fusso' about where it falls