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Does anyone know anything about drugs? I was thinking, the bucket is for the needles, the only drug I know that people use a needle for is heroin.
Is this right or are there others? Also, do they heat it on a spoon like ya see on TV? If so does this mean it's hot when you inject it? Doesn't that hurt?

Asking for a friend
My wife self injects her chemo and human stem cells.. I guess they are drugs as we have sharp bins .. we don’t live in Glasgow though
Thing is, I would expect that anyone who requires to inject themselves for legitimate reasons, would also have with them the means to responsibly dispose of the needles without the need for a sharps bin.
Most hated phrase of the era. 'Sorry for any inconvenience caused'. This is reality, shit happens, FFS deal with it.

Can you imagine Neville Chamberlain , We've just declared war on Germany, sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We are living in a world full of snow flakes.
Most hated phrase of the era. 'Sorry for any inconvenience caused'. This is reality, shit happens, FFS deal with it.

Can you imagine Neville Chamberlain , We've just declared war on Germany, sorry for any inconvenience caused.

We are living in a world full of snow flakes.
Seem to hear that phrase alot I totally agree with you but I do wish the weather person would say sorry for the inconvenience that I can't wash my Ellie this weekend
teenagers :eek: just seen a pack(4) in morrisons two with hands down there trousers🤮 one playing with his cock outside his trousers🤢 and the other with his hood up shuffling along like a zombie :confused: i dont remember me or my mates ever doing that we walked with heads high and with confidence:cool:
teenagers :eek: just seen a pack(4) in morrisons two with hands down there trousers🤮 one playing with his cock outside his trousers🤢 and the other with his hood up shuffling along like a zombie :confused: i dont remember me or my mates ever doing that we walked with heads high and with confidence:cool:
Too much gaming frying their brains and turning them into zombies I'm forever telling my eldest to take his hoodie down even if we go out to eat the hood is up as for the fondling down below I'm not sure what that is perhaps they need toileting
I'm probably being a whinging old bastard here but do you think that there are an increasing number of folk asking questions that they could easily find the answer to themselves with the minimum of effort? Like a few mouse clicks. Don't know if it's laziness or technical incompetence. I'd expect it on Facebook, but it would be nice if those that come here for answers had a bit more gumption, which would save the stalwarts from the ever revolving circle of answering the same questions or providing information that is readily available here and elsewhere. Rant over.
Ferked off with the whole false celebrity nonsense that seem to have taken over society.
Yes, sorry anyone feels the need to take their own life after bullying / trolls / abuse or whatever, but honestly i think you need to be a special sort of moron to enjoy that sort of show. All the more so as its all carefully stage managed by the production team to provide a vehicle to park the masses in front of mass advertising and generate huge revenue.
The zombie apocalypse is already well underway in my opinion.
I'm probably being a whinging old bastard here but do you think that there are an increasing number of folk asking questions that they could easily find the answer to themselves with the minimum of effort? Like a few mouse clicks. Don't know if it's laziness or technical incompetence. I'd expect it on Facebook, but it would be nice if those that come here for answers had a bit more gumption, which would save the stalwarts from the ever revolving circle of answering the same questions or providing information that is readily available here and elsewhere. Rant over.
Yes you are old and you do whinge but I agree. Must drive Karl up the wall when he has spent an age doing a complete write-up of practically everything people need only for them to ignore it and come on saying 'Just joined, fuel, why so bad? Tyres wot ones?
Ferked off with the whole false celebrity nonsense that seem to have taken over society.
Yes, sorry anyone feels the need to take their own life after bullying / trolls / abuse or whatever, but honestly i think you need to be a special sort of moron to enjoy that sort of show. All the more so as its all carefully stage managed by the production team to provide a vehicle to park the masses in front of mass advertising and generate huge revenue.
The zombie apocalypse is already well underway in my opinion.
I am a special sort of moron, one of the highest order in fact.
One of my favourite shows.
Ferked off with the whole false celebrity nonsense that seem to have taken over society.
Yes, sorry anyone feels the need to take their own life after bullying / trolls / abuse or whatever, but honestly i think you need to be a special sort of moron to enjoy that sort of show. All the more so as its all carefully stage managed by the production team to provide a vehicle to park the masses in front of mass advertising and generate huge revenue.
The zombie apocalypse is already well underway in my opinion.
We have had fires, floods and pestilence so far this year, armageddon is upon us.
Well you are the nicest special kind of moron that I know. Just don't go assaulting Nige.
Nicest thing you have ever said to me.
Meh, might give him a little stab later.
Well sorry to offend, but that's exactly how my friends in Endomol's (Big Brother) production team describe their programming.
Hell no you didn't offend me, Tim. I couldn't care less what you think of me.

I am praying Big Brother comes back too :joy:
I'm not a fan of reality shows at all but it is a shame there there are so many bullies about, whether it be gutter press or on line trolls.