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I was stuck at the lights today and noticed a pigeon.....its neck is greeny purpley green purple...depending on which way it moves...like the G30

A thought occurred...is this why they drop their guts on white elgrands?
Took the dog for a supposed nice walk about 17 miles away. Got out of the NISMO, took her off the lead and 2 mins later she's rolling around in cow's sh*t. She's never done that before 😢
You've seen her coat, and given it's so long it's a nightmare to wash and then dog dryer dry, given it takes so much time to ensure it don't matt.
As you can imagine she wasn't in my good books.
Got a big thick cover on the NISMO rear bench so that wasn't an issue.
Cheeky thing too, I made my Elevenses before I stuck her in the shower, as I knew washing and drying her was going to take an hour, easy, and she was sitting looking at me, covered in green sh1t, wanting some of my toast!
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Left Newton Abbot at 0850 this morning. Just got to Bristol Airport 6 hours later (should be 2.5hrs) due to accident on M5.

Missed my 1355 flight to inverness, so I have to get the 2200hrs bus to Glasgow, then to inverness, then to Wick.

When I get home ill have travelled over 30hrs and 713 miles by bus

God I hate public transport 🙄
Left Newton Abbot at 0850 this morning. Just got to Bristol Airport 6 hours later (should be 2.5hrs) due to accident on M5.

Missed my 1355 flight to inverness, so I have to get the 2200hrs bus to Glasgow, then to inverness, then to Wick.

When I get home ill have travelled over 30hrs and 713 miles by bus

God I hate public transport 🙄
My boss got back yesterday from America.....58 hours after checking in at the airport.
arduous journey then!
1st flight delayed, then cancelled. Put up in a hotel, then rebooked via Washington. Got to washington, UK connection delayed. Then cancelled. Rebooked and cancelled. Rebooked to London, then cancelled and transferred from United To Aerlingus, but then cancelled and rebooked to Lufthansa to Frankfurt, then London and finally Manchester.
He had a works trip to Bangladesh 17 hours after landing, but he was remarkably jovial about the whole thing. Must have been well comped.
1st flight delayed, then cancelled. Put up in a hotel, then rebooked via Washington. Got to washington, UK connection delayed. Then cancelled. Rebooked and cancelled. Rebooked to London, then cancelled and transferred from United To Aerlingus, but then cancelled and rebooked to Lufthansa to Frankfurt, then London and finally Manchester.
He had a works trip to Bangladesh 17 hours after landing, but he was remarkably jovial about the whole thing. Must have been well comped.

Damn, well that did put things into perspective! The insurance will certainly help, and necessary on the international trips.

I am just starting the last 3.5hr leg of my journey, a journey that has been pretty good really. The overnight bus to Glasgow was comfortable enough to get a good amount of sleep, followed by enough time to grab breakfast before another leg, and then lunch in wetherspoons before this leg, as well as some toy shopping for my girls.

I downloaded some amazon prime shows for the journey, so I was able to make the most of it :)