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Nowt wrong with being 60 , I am but feel like a 25yr old ( just have to find one that feels the same way) :innocent:

if I felt like a 25yr old, I'd just go and find one ... but wife would not be impressed at trade in for a 12yr newer model 😬

wait .. my car is 27 😅
A good pal just turned 70. Every Sunday he goes to the local for a couple of pints & on returning home he plays kickabout with his young grandsons in the kitchen using a small sponge football. The only rule is that the ball must be kept low, preferably on the floor. On this particular day, there was some “over exuberance” as he managed to land the ball into a simmering stew pot on the stove! Gravy all up the wall & ensuing silence until one of the little boys said “ I’d better get one of the grown ups!”
All this really is fighting with clips....
Least the Elgrand never just let go on the globe box catch for no reason, rendering is on accessible and needed a vigorous workout to get out back in like the Zafira upper glox box did to me today. Just fell out of it's own accord.
I have just filled in my application for a bus pass, how the fck did I get to sixty this quickly FFS. Trading in the Elgrand for a catering pack of Werthers Originals and a tartan fckin blanket. 😥
A bus pass, a gift from the gods and tax payers, use it all the time, the gift that keep giving along with the seniors rail card (first class travel at a steal if booked in advance). Also, if you are entitled to a blue light card get one, surprising how many places give a decent discount even thought they may not openly advertised it.
Surely I must be on post 10 by now.... Said hi, happy birthday, wished someone goodby who was leaving the club due to some abuse, introduced myself.

Was happy to pay premium but couldn't find it so was pretty much forced to type 😂
Surely I must be on post 10 by now.... Said hi, happy birthday, wished someone goodby who was leaving the club due to some abuse, introduced myself.

Was happy to pay premium but couldn't find it so was pretty much forced to type 😂
Click on your avatar then select account upgrades. Simples!!