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I'm not a fan of reality shows at all but it is a shame there there are so many bullies about, whether it be gutter press or on line trolls.
Yep awful, you can't win. Glad I am on no social media thingies now.
The only reason that I am now retired is due to a couple of bullies (promoted to manager as yes men) who could not take constructive criticism or correction. As far as they were concerned if someone knew more that them then get rid of them.
They believed that they had me in a corner and could torture me.
They thought that I needed the job, how wrong they were and are now up to their necks in the mire.
I no longer get wound up by people as life is all too short to allow it.
Anyone who tries is just ignored and left to rot in their own juices.
I will try to help anyone who needs it and will happily give advice if I believe it will help.
I am off out fishing tomorrow and sod them all!!
Have fun!!:)
Well, 4 of us fished Roker Pier from around 10:30 until 14:00 mainly using fresh Rag.
We did try squid and bluey too.
Loads of small flatties and a few tiddlers that I think were all caught on the Rag.
Weather was fine early on but the wind picked up gradually during the session, spots of rain as we were packing up.
All of the rod tips were almost constantly indicating that something was interested in the baits but as we were using 2/0 hooks that limited the size of mouth that could get a good hold.
So all in all we had some fun and a good time on the pier.:grinning:
Had the front bumper on the Rider professionally repaired and sprayed less than 6 months ago, well pleased with the result.drove round a bend on an unfamiliar road to be greeted by a load of debris deposited by the biblical floods we've been dealing with down here.the result,no prizes for guessing, damaged front bumper.WTF doesn't even begin to cover how pissed off I am.😡😡😡
Had the front bumper on the Rider professionally repaired and sprayed less than 6 months ago, well pleased with the result.drove round a bend on an unfamiliar road to be greeted by a load of debris deposited by the biblical floods we've been dealing with down here.the result,no prizes for guessing, damaged front bumper.WTF doesn't even begin to cover how pissed off I am.😡😡😡
Oh bugger! Sorry to hear this, Mark. Crap always happens to lovely people. :(
Had the front bumper on the Rider professionally repaired and sprayed less than 6 months ago, well pleased with the result.drove round a bend on an unfamiliar road to be greeted by a load of debris deposited by the biblical floods we've been dealing with down here.the result,no prizes for guessing, damaged front bumper.WTF doesn't even begin to cover how pissed off I am.😡😡😡
Oh nooo 😭😭😭 gutted for you mate. Hope it's not caused too much damage. But still a right pain in the arse for you to have to get it repaired again 🙁🙁
Had the front bumper on the Rider professionally repaired and sprayed less than 6 months ago, well pleased with the result.drove round a bend on an unfamiliar road to be greeted by a load of debris deposited by the biblical floods we've been dealing with down here.the result,no prizes for guessing, damaged front bumper.WTF doesn't even begin to cover how pissed off I am.😡😡😡
It's a gutting feeling when something happens to your pride and joy I feel your pain hope you get it sorted
Oh nooo 😭😭😭 gutted for you mate. Hope it's not caused too much damage. But still a right pain in the arse for you to have to get it repaired again 🙁🙁
Thanks Rob, it's definitely repairable, unfortunately the cost is going to have to come out of the new rims fund, and I was so close to pulling the trigger on those (shh.don't tell the OH, she would never have noticed them)😬
Thanks Rob, it's definitely repairable, unfortunately the cost is going to have to come out of the new rims fund, and I was so close to pulling the trigger on those (shh.don't tell the OH, she would never have noticed them)😬
Buy the new rims and zip tie the bumper or a tempery sticker 😉
I have BBC News on TV. How the feck is June Brown aka Dot Cotton leaving Eastenders news ffs?
I have BBC News on TV. How the feck is June Brown aka Dot Cotton leaving Eastenders news ffs?
It really is a case of mind blown🤯, when you think of all the really important stuff going on in the world, terrorism,fire, floods,famine, Brexit, my feckin bumper (note to self, it's not all about me)😱
It really is a case of mind blown🤯, when you think of all the really important stuff going on in the world, terrorism,fire, floods,famine, Brexit, my feckin bumper (note to self, it's not all about me)😱
There's just been a clip on of a kid who wrote to a football team. Slow news day for sure.
In other news, there was a man looking at a white van with a black grille at a garage somewhere in the Derbyshire area but he was scared off by a couple of cats. The garage owner said he got into a right flap. He was later recalled to the scene to gauge whether he was at fault.
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I have BBC News on TV. How the feck is June Brown aka Dot Cotton leaving Eastenders news ffs?
I'm guessing thats not an ITV production?
Well just had the email from TfL to inform me that the 20mph speed limit will now be enforced across the whole of Central London! Do they not realise that the average speed in Central London is in fact 4mph?
Well just had the email from TfL to inform me that the 20mph speed limit will now be enforced across the whole of Central London! Do they not realise that the average speed in Central London is in fact 4mph?
On many an occasions it takes us as long to get from the edge of London to the centre as it does to drive from Darlington to London.