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Does anyone know anything about drugs? I was thinking, the bucket is for the needles, the only drug I know that people use a needle for is heroin.
Is this right or are there others? Also, do they heat it on a spoon like ya see on TV? If so does this mean it's hot when you inject it? Doesn't that hurt?

Asking for a friend
Google “Krokodil”. That’s a really nasty drug and I can’t believe people take it.
Just make sure you only snort that a segmant at a time, and not in one go, stay safe :)
Christ, glad you posted this, I just got my spoon out.
Ooo melted chocolate orange🤪
I was actually going to google it then🤣
Does anyone know anything about drugs? I was thinking, the bucket is for the needles, the only drug I know that people use a needle for is heroin.
Is this right or are there others? Also, do they heat it on a spoon like ya see on TV? If so does this mean it's hot when you inject it? Doesn't that hurt?

Asking for a friend
It will only hurt if you use the spoon as a needle
Does anyone know anything about drugs? I was thinking, the bucket is for the needles, the only drug I know that people use a needle for is heroin.
Is this right or are there others? Also, do they heat it on a spoon like ya see on TV? If so does this mean it's hot when you inject it? Doesn't that hurt?

Asking for a friend
Junkies will inject more than just heroine. Crushed up pills of various denominations, dissolved in god knows what. Quite horrendous really.
Junkies will inject more than just heroine. Crushed up pills of various denominations, dissolved in god knows what. Quite horrendous really.
Christ. :confused:

Seeing Zammo all monged out in the toilet on Grange Hill was enough to put me off.

He's a locksmith now in real life.
Now we are just Elgrand junkies. Well, some of us are ;)
Coming back from holiday at the weekend. Stopped at a service station near Glasgow. Nice little yellow bucket on the side in the loos.
It was a fricking sharps bin!
I think you'll find they are there for people who have Diabetes to dispose of their injections.
Bollox, one of the stupid halogen bulbs in my kitchen light has just blown and taken the trip with it, the house is now in darkness apart from the glow of my computer and the consumer unit is in the eaves upstairs behind a temporarily screwed on piece of plasterboard to stop the cats getting in there.
I think you'll find they are there for people who have Diabetes to dispose of their injections.
Really? Never seen one anywhere else in the world, only Glasgow.

Interesting, thank you.