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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

Just spent over an hour washing orange drink off mine and my neighbours windows, plus the side of Furgo.

It was apparently thrown yesterday morning by a group of young kids, but I hadn't noticed. It had dried on nicely in the sun... 🤬
has to be said, your bus has a thing about orange ( sorry)
I live in a row of very old terraced miners cottages. Four ladies in my row all of us on our own. I'm in my 50's and am the youngest. Two in their mid 70's and one who is 98. Its horrible when this sort of thing happens, especially for them. Me I'd happily "smash their little heads in", but of course I didn't actually say that... :mad:
I live in a row of very old terraced miners cottages. Four ladies in my row all of us on our own. I'm in my 50's and am the youngest. Two in their mid 70's and one who is 98. Its horrible when this sort of thing happens, especially for them. Me I'd happily "smash their little heads in", but of course I didn't actually say that... :mad:

...and please don't get me wrong, I like children, I just couldn't eat a whole one.
Nice night chilling with the dog over Brecon. HOWEVER, when I got home this morning (about 20 miles) I realised I'd left the dog's lead/name tag/collar behind the van in Brecon where I'd parked. I like the lead combo and wanted it to kind of last her lifetime (forever a remembrance thing after she's gone etc), so I thought I'd hadn't took the MX-5 on a 40 mile round journey spin for a bit, so went right back along the twisties with the top down :)
And the lead/collar/name tag was still there waiting :heart_eyes:
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Thanks! Was quite obvious in the end, so glad it wasn't at the back of the engine.

Engine has swallowed swirl flap screws (two missing, two others were loose) so think the engine may be near end of life now anyway so wouldn't take it all apart again. Found the flap resting infront of the valves, for the next cylinder along.
I have a feeling that the noise from the missing flap, rattling around infront of the valves, was the "tickle" noise that the engine made when cruising at about 1800rpm - I previously thought it was loose heat shield rattle.
View attachment 103138
I have a feeling that the noise from the missing flap, rattling around infront of the valves, was the "tickle" noise that the engine made when cruising at about 1800rpm - I previously thought it was loose heat shield rattle.
Don’t like reading posts like this.

Hope you get away with it and the screws have been spat out of the exhaust valves gap.
Looking at your swirl flaps above I thought this may be the way to go to modify the set up for future readers.


Do away with the original 12 screws and replace them with hex head bolts ( same size ) and 6 locking plates, were you punch up the tabs on the ends to lock the bolts in position.

See scruffy diagram for enlightenment, 6 of these plates would be cheap to manufacture and guaranteed to stop hex head flap fixings from vibrating loose and being sucked into your engine.

Edited to add : More time to create a better picture.

Feel free to copy idea and sell it ‘kit form’ for €$¥Billions.😆
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Looking at your swirl flaps above I thought this may be the way to go to modify the set up for future readers.

View attachment 103144

Do away with the original 12 screws and replace them with hex head bolts ( same size ) and 6 locking plates, were you punch up the tabs on the ends to lock the bolts in position.

See scruffy diagram for enlightenment, 6 of these plates would be cheap to manufacture and guaranteed to stop hex head flap fixings from vibrating loose and being sucked into your engine.

View attachment 103142

Feel free to copy idea and sell it ‘kit form’ for €$¥Billions.😆
they use that principle on bikes to keep nuts/bolts for coming loose, but as LeStempy said locktite will do the job 👍
Lotions and potions thread lock and glue will make your engine swallow a screw…

My mechanical fix is engineeringly proven. 😆
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Lotions and potions thread lock and glue will make your engine swallow a screw…

My mechanical fix is engineeringly proven. 😆
if you use the right stuff it ain't going nowhere, some bike butterfly flaps are held on by screws that are locktite'd at the factory and ive never seen them come loose, in fact ive mashed some screw heads trying to get them out :eek:
if you use the right stuff it ain't going nowhere, some bike butterfly flaps are held on by screws that are locktite'd at the factory and ive never seen them come loose, in fact ive mashed some screw heads trying to get them out :eek:
True. You need a blow torch to undo Loctite 270.
Weather was nice and warm today so I whipped out the T-Cut, Autoglym resin polish and Turtle Wax and did a bit of de-blemishing, polishing and waxing. Ran out of steam half way round so will continue tomorrow.
Weather was nice and warm today so I whipped out the T-Cut, Autoglym resin polish and Turtle Wax and did a bit of de-blemishing, polishing and waxing. Ran out of steam half way round so will continue tomorrow.
Looking at your swirl flaps above I thought this may be the way to go to modify the set up for future readers.

View attachment 103144

Do away with the original 12 screws and replace them with hex head bolts ( same size ) and 6 locking plates, were you punch up the tabs on the ends to lock the bolts in position.

See scruffy diagram for enlightenment, 6 of these plates would be cheap to manufacture and guaranteed to stop hex head flap fixings from vibrating loose and being sucked into your engine.

View attachment 103142
View attachment 103175
Edited to add : More time to create a better picture.

Feel free to copy idea and sell it ‘kit form’ for €$¥Billions.😆
Good idea. I used tab washers on my Vespa GS160 years ago after one of the air filter nuts came undone and dropped into to carb and then into the barrel. I also used tab washers on a Cortina Weber carb manifold that kept shaking loose.
Just photo the half you have done and lie about the rest of it.
Didn't want to lie so finished the process today. First time it's had a deep clean since leaving the UK almost three years ago. Even did the roof. It may not be quite up to the standard of those who buy black Elgrands just to prove their polishing skills, but I'm pleased with it and glad it's done after too long without. Not bad for a 21 year old car.






Didn't want to lie so finished the process today. First time it's had a deep clean since leaving the UK almost three years ago. Even did the roof. It may not be quite up to the standard of those who buy black Elgrands just to prove their polishing skills, but I'm pleased with it and glad it's done after too long without. Not bad for a 21 year old car.

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Looks fantastic buddy!
White paintwork can show a good shine after all! :heart_eyes: