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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

Looks the biz Chris, but what a trade off for MPG !!!!😍
Yeah makes me think that I may get some adjustable Geckos at some point. Have to say, glad I have the hws standard springs as the rider ones would have bottomed.
I was properly driving like a nun as it felt bloody heavy. Smooth acceleration and braking probably got better mpg than I usually do but I did floor it once emptied at the tip. πŸ˜„
Also today I fitted the uprated 90N tailgate struts from SGS …. Hopefully take the weight of the Thule 973 bike rack I bought off a forum member. Literally a 10min job, super easy, just how I like it πŸ‘
My struts failed yesterday, spoke to someone at SGS at about 3.30pm, arrived this morning, as you say straightforward to fit.
This afternoon I attempted to siphon out the rank stinky screen wash water into a baby bath. I kept topping it up until it ran clear. You could see little bits of white stuff - like disintegrated tissue in the liquid. And it really was rank. I dissolved two sterilising tablets into 500ml of water and added this. Then topped up with fresh screen wash. I have no idea if this will do the trick. TBH I think to do it right you'd need to remove the screen wash tank and give it a thorough wash.

I hope I don't get Legionnaires' disease! I'll try gin to sterilise me!
This afternoon I attempted to siphon out the rank stinky screen wash water into a baby bath. I kept topping it up until it ran clear. You could see little bits of white stuff - like disintegrated tissue in the liquid. And it really was rank. I dissolved two sterilising tablets into 500ml of water and added this. Then topped up with fresh screen wash. I have no idea if this will do the trick. TBH I think to do it right you'd need to remove the screen wash tank and give it a thorough wash.

I hope I don't get Legionnaires' disease! I'll try gin to sterilise me!
Nice job!!!

Toughing up the baby as well!πŸ‘
I was just glad to get a bloody bath in my day...πŸ˜„
This afternoon I attempted to siphon out the rank stinky screen wash water into a baby bath. I kept topping it up until it ran clear. You could see little bits of white stuff - like disintegrated tissue in the liquid. And it really was rank. I dissolved two sterilising tablets into 500ml of water and added this. Then topped up with fresh screen wash. I have no idea if this will do the trick. TBH I think to do it right you'd need to remove the screen wash tank and give it a thorough wash.

I hope I don't get Legionnaires' disease! I'll try gin to sterilise me!
You can only get Legionnaires from water aerosol inhalation, but may give you the s**ts :confused: Gin will work perfectly πŸ˜‹