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    We look forward to getting to know you and help you with any questions or problemd you have with your Elgrand.

What have you done to your Elgrand today?

I've done a 13km/l - 36.8mpg average on an A55/M53 crawl , steady 60mph. 10km/l - 28.4mpg (70"ish" mph :innocent:)average recently on the Lakes/Scotland trip. Mostly motorways and good A roads.
Last week I pootled around town mainly and was lucky if I saw better than 5km/l -14.5mpg
It is what it is, I bought the Elgrand with eyes wide open, I subscribed to a car I knew would beat Oliver Reed and George Best in a drinking contest.
What I didn't factor in was fuel prices doubling in less than a year!! 🤣🤣
Was 145.9 last year and it's a way of 290 lol 221 in my local shell I think there have been quiet a few bought at the 1quid a liter marked and panicked now it's recovering from its deductions and furlough ut that's a whole other convo
I've done a 13km/l - 36.8mpg average on an A55/M53 crawl , steady 60mph. 10km/l - 28.4mpg (70"ish" mph :innocent:)average recently on the Lakes/Scotland trip. Mostly motorways and good A roads.
Last week I pootled around town mainly and was lucky if I saw better than 5km/l -14.5mpg
It is what it is, I bought the Elgrand with eyes wide open, I subscribed to a car I knew would beat Oliver Reed and George Best in a drinking contest.
What I didn't factor in was fuel prices doubling in less than a year!! 🤣🤣
problem is 13km/l is boring..... 5km/l is much more fun 🤣
I've done a 13km/l - 36.8mpg average on an A55/M53 crawl , steady 60mph. 10km/l - 28.4mpg (70"ish" mph :innocent:)average recently on the Lakes/Scotland trip. Mostly motorways and good A roads.
Last week I pootled around town mainly and was lucky if I saw better than 5km/l -14.5mpg
It is what it is, I bought the Elgrand with eyes wide open, I subscribed to a car I knew would beat Oliver Reed and George Best in a drinking contest.
What I didn't factor in was fuel prices doubling in less than a year!! 🤣🤣
Same, knew what I was buying and have weighed up LPG’ing and still may.
That looks like 11.5 or about 32 mpg, still pretty impressive.
problem is 13km/l is boring..... 5km/l is much more fun 🤣
Some refreshingly positive MPG posts. Before this ridiculous price increase it wasn't so much of a worry but if 36.8 at a steady 60 is achievable that ain't too bad. I've retrained my right foot since owning a gti & quite happily sit at 50-60mph like an old biddy going to church. However flooring it at times is so much fun, & needed to prevent carbon build up.
Some refreshingly positive MPG posts. Before this ridiculous price increase it wasn't so much of a worry but if 36.8 at a steady 60 is achievable that ain't too bad. I've retrained my right foot since owning a gti & quite happily sit at 50-60mph like an old biddy going to church. However flooring it at times is so much fun, & needed to prevent carbon build up.
I think I produced the unicorn this week as I don’t ever get more than 28 normally on the same sort of drive.
I think I produced the unicorn this week as I don’t ever get more than 28 normally on the same sort of drive.
Yeah that's why I was surprised. I think your onboard computer may have been having a senior moment. Not that I wouldn't love to see that sort of number..
Got an indicator bulb out (front) and an opportunity to change from filament to LED. Any suggestions on a quality replacement? will they need to be CANBUS error free ??

Cheers all, in anticipation.
Some refreshingly positive MPG posts. Before this ridiculous price increase it wasn't so much of a worry but if 36.8 at a steady 60 is achievable that ain't too bad. I've retrained my right foot since owning a gti & quite happily sit at 50-60mph like an old biddy going to church. However flooring it at times is so much fun, & needed to prevent carbon build up.
I drive like a chauffeur all the time Wish I did, could then afford to feed the kids now and again 🤣 🤣
Got an indicator bulb out (front) and an opportunity to change from filament to LED. Any suggestions on a quality replacement? will they need to be CANBUS error free ??

Cheers all, in anticipation.
@cjholding - Charles you must have an answer on this 👍👍
The usual "canbus" issue with bulbs is to do with bulbs failure warnings, the Elgrand doesn't have those so you should be fine.
The usual "canbus" issue with bulbs is to do with bulbs failure warnings, the Elgrand doesn't have those so you should be fine.
Thanks Charles - any suggestions? there are so many types on the market.

