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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

I see you were at the posh end of depravity then lol
Mum and Dad got the "posh" end, I got the depravity... cheers uncle Alf lol

edit: I don't have an uncle Alf. Just in case anyone gets all alarmed and offers me counselling 🤣
Mum and Dad got the "posh" end, I got the depravity... cheers uncle Alf lol

edit: I don't have an uncle Alf. Just in case anyone gets all alarmed and offers me counselling 🤣
You are way past counselling so I doubt that will ever get offered 🤣
My 1997 E50 passed it's MOT for the 4th year in a row yesterday :joy:
If you saw how rusty it's getting you'd understand why I'm laughing/crying!
It's definitely going to need some more patching underneath next year though if it's going to get through another....
Sorry for those who asked about the bike rack, broke a couple of ribs so haven’t gone near the bikes for a few weeks.
I don’t have full access to this forum so can’t post pics.. I’ll share them to this Facebook group instead..
Do like these removable ones. Much cleaner look when not in use 👍
I was hoping it would be a little more inconspicuous, however I could always remove the latch section if I really wanted to.

I think I'm going to alter how the electrics bolt on so I can fold them out of view.
I fitted some of these about 2 months ago, had to replace them yesterday.

I would advise you seal them with a clear flexible sealer before and after fitting them as they are far from waterproof as stated. Mine lasted a month before random LED's started playing up and then by last week hardly any on either side worked.

They do look fantastic though and are a great kirb guard 👌