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Modified Nationals '24 28-30 June

We're not bringing an awning now as just the 2 of us. So can be flexible in where I park the van if anyone needs extra

We're not bringing an awning now as just the 2 of us. So can be flexible in where I park the van if anyone needs extra space
Rob if you don't mind swapping i was thinking of bringing a small tent for Karen as she's having treatment at the moment and gets tired in the day, thanks 😊
Great Adrian... at least we're at the edge, shame they could have given us 1-5 lol

Have you had any problems getting on the pitch?
Have a great time everyone photos would be great. Looks so well organised as usual I will never forget Santa Pod great food and beer and marvelous company. Even if it was a long drive for me.
This year is a bit of an experiment as we haven't been before so I don't expect it to go completely smoothly lol
Looks like we'll be getting there around 1500 (ish)
Great Adrian... at least we're at the edge, shame they could have given us 1-5 lol

Have you had any problems getting on the pitch?
The pitch is massive… all level, no problem,…from my E51 to the white BMW 🤣

The 3 words for the campsite plot is

It took me an hour and a half to get through the processing, car check, wristband and camping queue.. so be warned.
My guess is that the unreserved camping is first come first served… so there was a big queue of cars at 10am.
Hopefully it gets easier…
Are we far from the main event can you tell?
It took me an hour and a half to get through the processing, car check, wristband and camping queue.. so be warned.
My guess is that the unreserved camping is first come first served… so there was a big queue of cars at 10am.
Hopefully it gets easier…

I remember the days spending a 'night' in the queue for Bug Jam at Santa Pod. If you got there in the morning, it would take until early afternoon to get to your pitch. 😳

I hope you all have a fantastic time!