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Modified Nationals '24 28-30 June

It took me an hour and a half to get through the processing, car check, wristband and camping queue.. so be warned.
My guess is that the unreserved camping is first come first served… so there was a big queue of cars at 10am.
Hopefully it gets easier…
What was the car check like? Do I need to start hiding things? 🤣🫣
Such a good weekend!!

Thanks to all that came and represented the ElgrandOC, we had some really nice cars on display!

Definitely doing this again next year but it'll be bigger and better and I'll certainly be more organised lol

Now we know the set up we can make the most of it and have a really good time 😁

Thanks @Cliff Goodwin for keeping us all fed with top quality food all weekend!
What an awesome weekend.
Great venue and camping spot.
Load to see and do, day and night.
Great to meet old and new.
Big thanks to @Madfish for putting it all together and @Cliff Goodwin for the great food.
And without the rest of you great folks we would not have had a meet/show.
Big thanks to you all for turning out and making the weekend what it was.
Photos and video to follow.
What an awesome weekend.
Great venue and camping spot.
Load to see and do, day and night.
Great to meet old and new.
Big thanks to @Madfish for putting it all together and @Cliff Goodwin for the great food.
And without the rest of you great folks we would not have had a meet/show.
Big thanks to you all for turning out and making the weekend what it was.
Photos and video to follow.
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And a huge thanks to you Andy for doing the supply run and how many awnings did you help erect? 😂

Great team effort by all 👍👍