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JAP SHOW 8th & 9th JUNE 2019

Ok guys.....whos bringing what that might be useful to others?

I will have my laptop and VAG cable along with Nissan Data Scan should anyone need it

also will have various tapes, wires etc just in case as well as a load of cable ties...
Will be needing some big cable ties to anchor my gazebo if the forecast is to be believed
Cable ties were fine on the gazebo last time. Obviously it depends where we are and what railings are near by to anchor it to though.
5 years we've been attending shows, and if anything our members have only ever been over prepared, rather than under.

I don't really have anything to bring other than a pop up table, some chairs, flags/banners, BBQ, gas bottle, trophies, stickers (if I can find them), give aways… actually... I've got quite a lot :joy:
I have 2 adult pop up chairs and 1 childs I will put in too

Plus will have some cleaning products I think and some matt black paint lol
I'll bring 3 or 4 hammers and 2 rolls of duct tape... That's breakdowns covered.

Ill bring more booze than I can drink as I'm a lightweight

More food than I can eat as I'm a greedy fat bugger but on a diet

May possibly bring the patio heater and gas bottle if I can get it fixed in time since the dog got his harness caught in it, knocked it over, panicked, then legged it round the patio with the heater being dragged along behind him...
Hi guys Jap show club stand map just been released. We are in Yellow 16 at the start of the yellow section, just drive round into the pits area and drive forward, we have grass behind us so shelters, tents can be behind us. Even with a stinking cold I am looking forward to this weekend. What time are people thinking of turning up on Saturday?
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  • Jap Show Club Map (1).jpg
    Jap Show Club Map (1).jpg
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Hi guys Jap show club stand map just been released. We are in Yellow 16 at the start of the yellow section, just drive round into the pits area and drive forward, we have grass behind us so shelters, tents can be behind us. Even with a stinking cold I am looking forward to this weekend. What time are people thinking of turning up on Saturday?
View attachment 19152View attachment 19152
Cool 😁 North East lot are aiming for somewhere between 1 & 2 Brian.
A nice skin full of Disarono will sort you out 😉
Hi guys Jap show club stand map just been released. We are in Yellow 16 at the start of the yellow section, just drive round into the pits area and drive forward, we have grass behind us so shelters, tents can be behind us. Even with a stinking cold I am looking forward to this weekend. What time are people thinking of turning up on Saturday?
View attachment 19152View attachment 19152
Excellent not too far from the loo, reckon I'll be there around 11am think most are between 1 and 2pm
Excellent not too far from the loo, reckon I'll be there around 11am think most are between 1 and 2pm
Bout same as last time to the loo mate. I'll know that bit of tarmac well by the end of Saturday night 😂
Is it to late to get sorted with ticket etc ?.
Is it to late to get sorted with ticket etc ?.

To get on the stand, yes. Unless someone has a spare stand pass, the plots have all been laid out and closed. You can buy a ticket to get in, but you'd have to park in the general parking area, not on the stand.

I know a few people have dropped out, but not sure if the passes have been allocated to new people or not. You'd have to ask Brian if he has any spares or knows who's coming.
I’m guessing between 1 & 2pm