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JAP SHOW 8th & 9th JUNE 2019

Just talked to Brian, not tickets available.
Last call for anyone wanting to fill out spec sheet and email to me....

I am in work till about 12 tomorrow so I cant print after that...

Hi all I have a favour to ask. Is anyone going to the show on Saturday from the South (Portsmouth/Southampton area)?

I need a wheel bearing picking up from @BMR who is at the event as my El G failed her mot today and would like to get it fixed this Sunday.

I am happy to supply a couple of beer tokens for your time🍺
Hi all I have a favour to ask. Is anyone going to the show on Saturday from the South (Portsmouth/Southampton area)?

I need a wheel bearing picking up from @BMR who is at the event as my El G failed her mot today and would like to get it fixed this Sunday.

I am happy to supply a couple of beer tokens for your time🍺
I'm leaving from iow, will be getting off ferry at 8.30am red funnel and hopefully getting the 6pm back on Sunday or could be 7pm , what wheel bearing is it for?
I'm leaving from iow, will be getting off ferry at 8.30am red funnel and hopefully getting the 6pm back on Sunday or could be 7pm , what wheel bearing is it for?

Its the OS front wheel bearing for my fresh import E51 highway star. first MOT and that was the only fault so can't complain.
would like to get it fixed this Sunday.

Most people won't be leaving santa pod until late afternoon on Sunday, so if anyone could bring it, it wouldn't be until late I'm afraid.
Most people won't be leaving santa pod until late afternoon on Sunday, so if anyone could bring it, it wouldn't be until late I'm afraid.

Cheers Karl good thinking 🤔. I didn’t think about it being an all weekend thing! I’ll just have to get up early and drive myself up.
I have 2 adult pop up chairs and 1 childs I will put in too

Plus will have some cleaning products I think and some matt black paint lol
Can I use your chair again please Peter? I ordered one off the internet and it arrived today and is broken :(
I won't need the matt black paint :D
Can I use your chair again please Peter? I ordered one off the internet and it arrived today and is broken :(
I won't need the matt black paint :D

Of course you can @Lize
I'm half thinking about bringing a tent to sleep in as we have grass at the back of us, can't make my mind up 🤔