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W.T.F ---No matter how slow my internet is today @Stempyuno 's avatar still goes like the friggin clappers
Stempy, it was a distraction last time and it's a distraction this time :innocent::innocent:

Admin edit: pic removed to avoid causing offence
Last edited by a moderator:
W.T.F ---No matter how slow my internet is today @Stempyuno 's avatar still goes like the friggin clappers
Stempy, it was a distraction last time and it's a distraction this time :innocent::innocent:

View attachment 48405
Then the forum admins wonder why there are not enough female members on the forum as to be honest it is a bit sexist and Benny Hill humour
which could be off putting to the female members.

Remember we are Elgrand owners and Gentlemen and not common scum like Espace and Previa owners.
W.T.F ---No matter how slow my internet is today @Stempyuno 's avatar still goes like the friggin clappers
Stempy, it was a distraction last time and it's a distraction this time :innocent::innocent:

View attachment 48405

Then the forum admins wonder why there are not enough female members on the forum as to be honest it is a bit sexist and Benny Hill humour
which could be off putting to the female members.

Remember we are Elgrand owners and Gentlemen and not common scum like Espace and Previa owners.
Not at all mate. @Stempyuno knows when i'm joking with him (as in this case)and don't think there's anything sexist in it at all
Please don't quote my posts to foster negative comments ;)
By way of an update to my Friday trauma:

Wife is home in one piece.

She has an SCAD, spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a tear in the artery inner wall that causes a partial blockage, hence the heart attack.

No surgery required or predicted, it'll heal in its own time and she will be fine.

No rhyme nor reason for it occurring though either, they just happen sometimes. I wish they bloody wouldn't! 🤪

Anyway, she's here in her own bed and I though y'all might like to know, seeing as you were kind enough to send us your good wishes.

Take care one and all ❤
Damn, that's a difficult one to diagnose some people are given a stent, the main thing to concentrate is on the recovery and you don't have to answer this but is your wife a mentally strong person as these things can be mentally and psychologically challenging.

Also have a look on here,

Good luck with the recovery.
By way of an update to my Friday trauma:

Wife is home in one piece.

She has an SCAD, spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a tear in the artery inner wall that causes a partial blockage, hence the heart attack.

No surgery required or predicted, it'll heal in its own time and she will be fine.

No rhyme nor reason for it occurring though either, they just happen sometimes. I wish they bloody wouldn't! 🤪

Anyway, she's here in her own bed and I though y'all might like to know, seeing as you were kind enough to send us your good wishes.

Take care one and all ❤
Scary stuff. But a big relief to have her home. Best wishes to you both.
By way of an update to my Friday trauma:

Wife is home in one piece.

She has an SCAD, spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a tear in the artery inner wall that causes a partial blockage, hence the heart attack.

No surgery required or predicted, it'll heal in its own time and she will be fine.

No rhyme nor reason for it occurring though either, they just happen sometimes. I wish they bloody wouldn't! 🤪

Anyway, she's here in her own bed and I though y'all might like to know, seeing as you were kind enough to send us your good wishes.

Take care one and all ❤
Good to hear she has made it back home so soon.
Best wishes for a quick recovery.
You’d think people would be a bit more vigilant with what they’re posting whether you find it sexist or not. Especially with everything that has happened recently and posts going around trying to make it more female friendly and have more females interacting on the forum.
I know things like cleavage is all over the tv and in the chart music videos these days but can we try and be a little more courteous of other females feelings on the forum.
I am personally not offended but some people might be and might find it hard to scroll on for whatever reason 👀😂
@Pippa i can only apologise , honestly didn't think what i posted would offend, especially in the W.T.F. thread but it seems it has
my hand is stinging and rightly so
So got there in the end series "Justified" on Prime, 6 Series, 78 episodes of Raylan Givens shooting bad guys, bags of humour and stoopidness. Includes this WTF moment of the fabled 21 foot rule!

I'm still super excited by yesterdays rental find so wanted to make a post about it :joy:.

Original to the house, a late 1960's oak parquet floor in the hall:

Rather than bugger about with it myself like I usually do with everything else I've just booked a man to come round and restore it. At £450 quite a bit more expensive than a new carpet but I don't actually think bad value considering the cost of sander hire and the sealant plus I'm sure he'll do a better job and it'd take me longer than his 2 days.

Generally Americans love hard floors so should make a good impression on entrance. The house has a few things that make it slow to let, it isn't in the best of rental locations, its a bungalow and the bedrooms are small by US standards so everything that helps is good.
I done the same Liz.
Lifted an old carpet and found this.
Then after 3 days work with orbital sanders decided that they don't work properly.
So I spent over 10 days sanding each individual block by hand - 'with the grain'!
Biggest hardest most tedious job I've ever done.
Looks the biz now though.
I'd say orbital would work ok on your smaller blocks though.


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