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Boils my piss mate, she's having a well earned break in the Lakes this weekend and all that is on her mind is that the cnuts will be back for more, she has even repositioned her Ring doorbell. Fcukin scum and the local bizzies couldn't care less.......
Boils my piss mate, she's having a well earned break in the Lakes this weekend and all that is on her mind is that the cnuts will be back for more, she has even repositioned her Ring doorbell. Fcukin scum and the local bizzies couldn't care less.......
She needs to set up some "Home Alone" style traps next time. Fucking hate thieving scumbag crack heads....
You back in the sex shack mate? Is it as windy as last time :D
Yep and yep mate.
Best part about today was the drive down here, the bus drove faultless and when I put my foot down ( open straight empty road) , I swear I made a pigeon shit itself lol
She needs to set up some "Home Alone" style traps next time. Fucking hate thieving scumbag crack heads....
Trouble is in this age if they catch em they get 3 month suspended and a new colour TV of social services
Trouble is in this age if they catch em they get 3 month suspended and a new colour TV of social services
Well they can’t give them “black & white” any more as it’s not politically correct.
Trouble now days is it pays to be a twat
Travelling back home from holiday in Cornwall decided to stop off at Hive Beach in Dorset to exercise our dog. Busybody lady comes up to us and demands we put our dog on a lead saying "if you bothered to read the notice you'll see you can only walk them across this part of the beach on a lead"
"Do you mean the notice that says dogs must be on a lead from 1 June" says I.
"That's right she says...so put your dog on a lead"
But it's the 31st of May I replied.
Off she trots to check the notice...no apology!
Travelling back home from holiday in Cornwall decided to stop off at Hive Beach in Dorset to exercise our dog. Busybody lady comes up to us and demands we put our dog on a lead saying "if you bothered to read the notice you'll see you can only walk them across this part of the beach on a lead"
"Do you mean the notice that says dogs must be on a lead from 1 June" says I.
"That's right she says...so put your dog on a lead"
But it's the 31st of May I replied.
Off she trots to check the notice...no apology!
Love it 👍
Travelling back home from holiday in Cornwall decided to stop off at Hive Beach in Dorset to exercise our dog. Busybody lady comes up to us and demands we put our dog on a lead saying "if you bothered to read the notice you'll see you can only walk them across this part of the beach on a lead"
"Do you mean the notice that says dogs must be on a lead from 1 June" says I.
"That's right she says...so put your dog on a lead"
But it's the 31st of May I replied.
Off she trots to check the notice...no apology!
Ive met handringers like that before, spouting off yet getting it all wrong.

The exchange usually ends with them saying, " Do you know who i am? I live here."

" Oh, fcuk off home then."

I go to a local park to walk my dog and have lunch in my Van,

There is a fairground set up on the field for half term, its chockka block...can't park on the road as usual, so parked on the grass with everyone else.

Halfway through my family size packet off Sweet Chilli Chicken crisps, i was approached by a 'PoliceMan.'

" Is this your vehicle ."

" Yes."

" Can't park a camper van here. "

" crunch, crunch...It's not a camper van."

He wanderers around and concedes that it's not a camper van.

" Well you cant park here anyway ,"

It was at this point i realised he wasn't a Policeman at all, he was doing a great job of impersonating one though, the uniform, cap, note book, radio, white car with chequered graphics and a light bar on the roof.

So i said there are hundreds of cars parked on the grass, why did you single me out?

" Because you are a camper van."

I am a camper van? Wow ...Alarm bells started ringing and i thought this guy was mentally ill, he said he was having trouble contacting his colleagues on the radio due to the music from the fairground - he instructed me to stay were i am whilst he goes to find them on foot.

To which i agreed.

Disappointingly he didn't come back, or not in the hour or so i was there.

The guy was a council park ranger/warden/enforcement officer....😆 or a failed traffic warden for short, with no arresting powers at all, in fact the same amount of law enforcement powers as a member of the public.

Anyway, i should have known better as I've met these idiots before, waste of time, public money and oxygen.
After sandwiches with the kids in the park, they had left the crusts. Wife says "let's throw them to the swans and ducks".

No problem with me, although I did mention that some busybody was bound to say something about not feeding ducks bread and corn is better ... blah blah

We breed ducks and chickens on our smallholding, and they happily scoff all out kitchen scraps as well as their pellet feed.

As the kids began throwing the bread, lo and behold, a busybody did indeed pipe up and deliver the no bread sermon 😂

Yeah, whatever mate, its 4 crusts of bread

Another busybody chastised my son for stacking rocks on the beach, the reasons were that it apparently destroys habitat for microscopic creatures 😂
Where do these people come from ?

The atrocities going on in the world and you’ve got people behaving like this thinking they are doing the general public a service, they should put their ‘powers’ to good use elsewhere.

There are feeding zones around the lake at our park people read the signs about bread, and feed the ducks bread as always - the vegetable’s ( images on the signs ) are always left to rot in the zones because the ducks and swans won’t eat it, it’s only the odd daft vegan dog that will.
Yep and yep mate.
Best part about today was the drive down here, the bus drove faultless and when I put my foot down ( open straight empty road) , I swear I made a pigeon shit itself lol
As long as it wasn't all over your Elgrand. 🤣
Hidden out of view, she had the gates covered up recently, the feral rats obviously knew there was something worth nicking behind the new fence....
It's a shame the bikes weren't all chained together, and to those stairs.
Bolting the stable door......
I think I know who should be bolted to the stable door......brass necked scrotes.
Some oik had pranged the Zafira. Didn't leave any details, quelle surprise. Not significant, but now I've spotted it, it's all I can see.
Must be time to change car again😁