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well my wtf is my Hermes have lost a vacuum cleaner between there Southampton depot and my local depot which they wont give me the address for but if it does not turn up in the next few weeks i am to get in touch with the seller to get my money back THEY FUCKING LOST IT they should pay us not the seller the seller has gone above and beyond for us just getting a human on the phone is a chalenge apparently it was scanned onto the van at Southampton and its gone into the vast emptiness of fuck knows check the drivers pockets was my answer fuckwits
Hermes have to be the worst courier on the planet. I'll never use them again through choice.
I forget how much per parcel the drivers get for delivering in their own cars but I was astounded at how little it was. Pay peanuts...
that seems about right MONKEYS all of them will try again tomorrow wonder if i can report it as theft
that seems about right MONKEYS all of them will try again tomorrow wonder if i can report it as theft
You could but it won't get you anywhere because you unwittingly accepted the terms and conditions in which clause 23.a states 'FUCK YOU'.
Want to have a rant about the fuckwits that are messing up my life (and my fiance) either due to their own incompetence or malicious intent. Unfortunately for confidential reasons the only one I can really mention was the cnut that stole my fiance car and the Essex Police whose prime objective was to do as little work as possible. Even had to, how shall we say, have very persistent words with them before they would even give me a crime number, let alone get off their arses. Once I eventually persuaded them to give me the number I could give it to the insurance company, who activated the tracker, found its location almost immediately, they then informed the police who then actually started briefly doing their job and sent a P.C. to check it out and then arranged recovery to a Police compound. So instead of waiting for two or three days, which is how long I was originally told it was going to take to allocate a crime number due to backlog, between myself and the insurance company we managed to locate it and therefore get it recovered to a safe place in under two hours. This I knew from my Insurance company (Admiral) who were doing an excellent job and giving me updates every half an hour or so whenever there was a development.

As there were some personal belongings in the car, including the only set of house keys for my fiances house we contacted the Essex Police to see if it was possible for us to recover them before we started back to Leicester. Not only could they not tell me where the car was they seemed to be totally unaware that it had been found and recovered, and they still had a marker out on its registration!

So we had to leave without the keys and other stuff and ended up drilling out the lock on the front door so we could get in.

It would seem that the only crimes Essex police can be bothered with are those which would get bad publicity or a lawsuit filed against them if they didn't. If any other crime gets solved it is mere coincidence rather than any effort on their part.

This all led to a chain of events that really turned the bank holiday weekend into a nightmare that included crashing the Elgrand and then having a blow out and I am still not fully recovered from it, although fortunately the Elgrand is now good, well at least apart from a slow puncture I discovered today.

I am also today just having to deal with a different set of fuckwits who are also potentially going to fuck up my future if they don't get their act together, but that will be for another time!

There, I feel a bit better now.
Things can only get better.
Keep your chin up.
Good luck.
Get it out there, don't let feckers get you down and all that.....WTF indeed!
Want to have a rant about the fuckwits that are messing up my life (and my fiance) either due to their own incompetence or malicious intent. Unfortunately for confidential reasons the only one I can really mention was the cnut that stole my fiance car and the Essex Police whose prime objective was to do as little work as possible. Even had to, how shall we say, have very persistent words with them before they would even give me a crime number, let alone get off their arses. Once I eventually persuaded them to give me the number I could give it to the insurance company, who activated the tracker, found its location almost immediately, they then informed the police who then actually started briefly doing their job and sent a P.C. to check it out and then arranged recovery to a Police compound. So instead of waiting for two or three days, which is how long I was originally told it was going to take to allocate a crime number due to backlog, between myself and the insurance company we managed to locate it and therefore get it recovered to a safe place in under two hours. This I knew from my Insurance company (Admiral) who were doing an excellent job and giving me updates every half an hour or so whenever there was a development.

As there were some personal belongings in the car, including the only set of house keys for my fiances house we contacted the Essex Police to see if it was possible for us to recover them before we started back to Leicester. Not only could they not tell me where the car was they seemed to be totally unaware that it had been found and recovered, and they still had a marker out on its registration!

So we had to leave without the keys and other stuff and ended up drilling out the lock on the front door so we could get in.

It would seem that the only crimes Essex police can be bothered with are those which would get bad publicity or a lawsuit filed against them if they didn't. If any other crime gets solved it is mere coincidence rather than any effort on their part.

This all led to a chain of events that really turned the bank holiday weekend into a nightmare that included crashing the Elgrand and then having a blow out and I am still not fully recovered from it, although fortunately the Elgrand is now good, well at least apart from a slow puncture I discovered today.

I am also today just having to deal with a different set of fuckwits who are also potentially going to fuck up my future if they don't get their act together, but that will be for another time!

There, I feel a bit better now.
Seems that unless the thief hits you over the head with a hammer before stealing your car its not considered a crime. I think they call it "driving and taking away" or something like that.
Seems that unless the thief hits you over the head with a hammer before stealing your car its not considered a crime. I think they call it "driving and taking away" or something like that.
I'll tell you what would be considered an immediate crime - if you hit the thief while he was stealing from you!
Then you'd feel the full force if the law!
I once broke down in a car park and whilst waiting for recovery a drunk came round making a nuisance, I got a breaker bar out of the boot and was prepared to go for his knee caps to stop him from falling all over my car. It was at night but I'm not sure playing the defenceless woman being threatened approach would have got me out of trouble. Rather luckily he moved on but ended up all over the bonnet of an Audi parked a few cars away, it was mashed and the owner came back with a Pizza and was very upset. The Police arrived and took the drunk away in their car (not in the direction of the police station) and less than half an hour later he came back so they must have given him a lift home.
well the saga continues and how to make monkeys jump after getting nowhere with hermes customer service i tracked down the southampton distribution center and popped over spoke to a guy in the sorting shed and was sent to the office via the sorting area when a chap came over flapping his arms and saying i cant be in here after i managed to spek to him i was told to park around the other side of the building and give him half an hour and he would come and let me know where my parcel was 40mins later i rang the door bell and was told he will be with me in a minute 10 mins later im still at the door so when a person came out i went in oh my word more flapping escorted out and after 10mins of being told im not allowed in the building at all i finally got it through to him that if he came out when he said i would not be inside and all he had to do was tell me where my parcel was so he went back in came out and said it had been sent to the fareham depot all this took him 50mins so now the hunt is on for the fareham depot which is not where google say it is at fort wallington apparently he could not give me the location as it seems to be top secret :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Told you. It's ring fenced. They get away with all sorts of skullduggery. Contact trading standards.