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When we were getting our bathroom re fitted due to a water leak.. some thieving sods nicked our bath from our drive in broad daylight ,,was going to refit it..
This is so shocking - they don't have any fears or principles! In broad daylight too!šŸ˜¤
This is so shocking - they don't have any fears or principles! In broad daylight too!šŸ˜¤
Yeap they will knock the door first .. then if no one answers that will just take what ever they want..and if they do get caught their defence isā€ well we did knock ā€œ
Donā€™t let them win... we were burgled while the family was asleep in the house ... that was before we had dogs and lived in a rough area..
I can't begin to imagine what that was like! Frightening! I remember being about 11 years old, and an intruder came into my parents house. He actually came into my room, and I remember sitting up and startling him. He did a runner, but its amazing how small a world it is, because the next day, a friend of ours was working under his car, and he could hear a conversation between his neighbours over an incident that happened while he was burgling a house - yep, it was our incident! Shortly after that, he was nicked! Not sure what happened after that. Sometimes the walls have ears!! Lol
šŸ˜¤ Mr Magsy and I have been up for most of the early hours this morning.... Living on our nerves! Our 'park' bench was taken from right under our living room window at 12:15am this morning! The sheer cheek of it! We both heard some scraping noise, then jumped up to open the front door....in that short amount of time, the scum was gone! Literally seconds! And its quite a heavy bit of kit! And its ancient... Why??? Anyhoo, Mr Magsy made a sweep of the area, and found it stuffed into a hedge in the nearby field....it beggars belief! He reckons that he encountered the punk (was foreign) because he was so shifty and legged it pretty rapidly! I called 101 to report the incident, but line was constantly engaged. I know its not an essential to our lives, but its the thought of someone violating the place you call home. Its bare faced cheek. The choker of it is, we have just installed a door bell camera, and it won't play that video back!! Every other video it will, but not that poxy one!! Grrr! Typical! It isn't the first theft we've had either - in full lockdown we had a trailer wheel taken....but we had the last laugh on that, the wheel was buckled and we had been meaning to dispose of it for a whilešŸ˜ Mr Magsy now getting some much needed sleep. Poor chap is shattered!
Can't have anything these days total arseholes you should be able to leave stuff out in your garden without the fear of it been taken hope he dropped it on his foot and that's why who ever it was did one good you found it
Why is it everything Iā€™ve got planned involves some kind of noisey power tool today... so sat around waiting for time to pass before I can do anything as itā€™s Sunday and Iā€™m a good neighbour...bored bored bored
I'm always itching for 10am on Sunday so I can crack on:joy:
Can't have anything these days total arseholes you should be able to leave stuff out in your garden without the fear of it been taken hope he dropped it on his foot and that's why who ever it was did one good you found it
That's exactly what we said as we were driving about - it doesn't pay to have anything nice or anything really for that matter....they see it, they want itšŸ˜¤
Actually @Elliematt83 how does the thieving melt not know we have covid and decided to infect our own property? They don't think of things like that!
Actually @Elliematt83 how does the thieving melt not know we have covid and decided to infect our own property? They don't think of things like that!
Dont suppose they are bothered nor bothered about passing it on I went to the chemist for an emergency filling for my little un about a month in to avoid when it was one person and 2m distancing the druggies and known scum where still in groups hanging around getting there stuff not giving a crap
Yes, we had more activity in our neighbourhood during the first weeks of lockdown.... Never known it so busy! We see more people then than all the three years since living here!
So while we are itching for the DVLA to catch up so we can get the Elgrand, we've been slumming it using the little Audi A2. It's a squeeze for the four of us, but doable for short term.
Until this evening.
The flywheel has been rattling about for a while.
Something has gone clank/snap this evening. Still seems wholly drivable, but off road and to the garage first thing.
Never rains but pours.......
I had this happen to a Renault, the guy at the garage told me to get shot of it quick, so I flogged it.
The other day when I'd just finished converting my 2nd (black) Elgrand to LPG, after filling with LPG on my way back to base a VW Touareg driver seemed to be taunting for a race. I don't know what prompted him, whether it was me driving a little quick or just that I was in an Elgrand, I wasn't diving very quick as front tyres needed some air in them but I had given it some stick earlier on acceleration on a dual carriageway section of the A638 in order to check high load mixture. I didn't want a race or to try sporty cornering, especially considering front tyres needed some air in them, still he was struggling to keep up. I didn't want to play and thought I'd got rid of him when I turned off onto the minor road toward South Elmsall but he turned the same way and was almost up my exhaust pipe. On the minor road there was another car in front and I thought the Touareg driver would behave but, no, he was hell bent in getting past me. I drove at the nearside to allow the Touarag enough space to get past if he was going to be mad enough but I knew the driver in front wasn't watching his mirrors and it could all end in tears. It very nearly did end in tears for the Toerag driver and the other driver, the Toerag had to put offside wheels onto a short gravel embankment and spank his offside wing mirror on brush to get past the car in front and even then the Touarag nearly touched the other car's mirror (by which time I had hanged back and put some space between us expecting to see some fireworks). I hope he marked his car! Wish I'd had a dashcam fitted on this occasion. I've seen Transporter drivers go mental when they see an Elgrand but never a Touarag before, proper towrag!
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I had an idiot do something similar one.
overtook me on a narrow laned road and squeezed in between me and a black car in front.
He then overtook the black car on a long bend crossing over double white lines and shot off like a scalded cat.
The black car turned on some blue lights and took off after him like a faster scalded cat.