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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

Second attempt at removing deeply etched water stains and streaking from the windscreen 🥵
Then applied a sealant so as to, hopefully, prevent further visibility problems when using wipers.
The next wet drive will determine whether success...or second failure. 🚐
Home made camper conversion getting there! Not as posh as some others but will do us fine. Hoping to bring it in at under £500....leaves more dosh for the cost of petrol and lpg on our French trips!View attachment 30542
We think your conversion is awesome!!!
Investigated an alarming rattle from under the passenger side door - little bit of rust on the exhaust heat shield bracket:
Ive replaced it with a hose clamp for now - that will probably outlive the life of the car :)
I have the nose system just wondering what the head unit is you fitted can't decide whether to go down route of ripping Bose radio out?
I have the nose system just wondering what the head unit is you fitted can't decide whether to go down route of ripping Bose radio ol
I fitted a pioneer which uses andriod auto and apple play. Great bit of kit
what sad ive not washed it yet or im just a sad old git :joy::joy::joy:
Installed this lot yesterday ready for my rear leds
1 Arduino
6 x 12vto 5v voltage droppers
2 relays
2 fuses
1 switch
And a USB lead
Needs a little cable management but you won't see it as its in the back door
View attachment 30496
Bloody hell, it's like being back in @Crazeycraig's garage, I've got a headache, off for a lie down......
no coughing on here:mask: my computer might get a virus🤢 then i have to isolate it 👾then you lot cant take the mick :joy: