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What have you done to your Elgrand today?

Back off holidays. In getting the 4 wheel alignment done in Tyre Pros DarlingtonView attachment 102934
Did the new wheels put the settings out Andy , or are you just being you and making sure ?

Oh , and did Janet got wet through unpacking whilst you were jet washing ??

Tyre Pros​

North Road Industrial Estate, Meynell Rd, Darlington DL3 0QR.

They found it under the heading listed on the sheet.
So If anyone in the north east has problems finding a hunter system then these guys know where it is.
Did the new wheels put the settings out Andy , or are you just being you and making sure ?

Oh , and did Janet got wet through unpacking whilst you were jet washing ??
I wanted it done as I have change all the spring and shocks and the new wheels.

Janet is as dry as a nuns ...... I have not washed it yet lol
You can't have enough brake lights but saying whoever is behind you has to be looking out of the windscreen and not at a mobile.

Drives me insane being people driving whilst on their mobiles!
Few times we have been pulled over by the police here because they've seen my wife on her mobile and assume she's driving whilsting on it. Don't know how they miss my huge steering wheel on the right! lol
Not today , but Wednesday and Thursday …
Went to visit my son and family in Thatcham .
Bit of a hike from the middle of Dartmoor !! I took the van with the wife , daughter and her two kids .
I decided to go m4/5 way. I decided to keep the speed to 60 as CV much as possible . Wanted a nice chilled drive . You know what …..
No stress from middle lane crawlers
No numpties tailgating you
Overtake the occasional hgv
Able to enjoy the drive and view without swearing ….you know !!
Just a nice experience . Took a bit longer to get to my son …but worth it .
Elgrands are just lovely !!
Well, y'day gave it a wash and in the evening took the dog on a camp/sleepover.

Not much today, except put a silver dash cover on to save the dash/instrument/steering wheel getting pounded by the sun, and some pillow cases on the front seats to prevent the same....and I'm off to meet the Mrs to try to get a test drive/see a Cooper S!
I recently had cruise control installed on our E52 by Motor Mods at Tewkesbury. wasn't cheap by any stretch but it works a treat and seems quite bit more economical than my lead foot!!