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The Jap Show Final Santa Pod 11th Oct 2015

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E51 Owner
E51 Expert
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Notts / Derby border area.
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Ok, Learning from my mistakes at The Jap Show on the 5th July we are getting together a club stand but we have to work fast as the spaces are half booked up at the moment. We are planing a club stand for 10 Elgrands and I need firm bookings before the end of this month, as there is limited space available if we dont get organised other clubs will take our stand area. The only way we can do this is on a first come first served basis. I will also need to know how many people for club passes. The club prices are £20.00 per person for the weekend (inc camping) or £12.00 on Sunday only, I myself will pay the £6.00 one off booking fee to save arguments. :bang:
So here we go I will be the first to put my name down.

1)- BMR. (2 Adults- Sunday) £24.00. Brian & Sue. :thumbup: (PAID)
2)- sgl904 (3 Adults - Sunday) £36.00. Steve & Jordan + 1. :thumbup: (PAID)
3)- Karl (1 Adult - Sunday) £12.00. Karl. :thumbup: (PAID)
4)- littleG (1 Adult - Sunday) £12.00. G. :thumbup: (PAID)
5)- edduk (2 Adults - Sunday) £24.00. Edd & Linda :thumbup: (PAID)
6)- Asbo (1 Adult - Sunday) £12.00. Adam :thumbup: (PAID)
7)- blingo (1 Adult -Sunday) £12.00. Simon. :thumbup: (PAID)
8)- Absolution (2 Adults) £24.00. Mark & Partner. :thumbup: (PAID)
9)- Kelvin Trent (Off Facebook) Orange and Black custom E50. :thumbup:

When its full we will not be adding any more and others that turn up will have to park up in the public car park. (not my rules its Santa Pods)
Steve & Jordan Lickley ( 2 Adults - Sunday) £24.00 please
Stick me on the list mate, I'll be there come hell or high water :thumbup:
Put me down, I'm on board
Hi G have you got any idea how many adults will be with you as I can order all the tickets together at £12.00 each, I have added you to the list just let me know how many tickets you need pre ordering. :thumbup:
Just me probably, any more then they can sort themselves out.
Ok G yep they can always pay on the gate but it will be a little more on the day :thumbup:
If my 51 is here and registered by this then i'd love to come...
Children under 13 are Free 13 and over are adult price I think (i will check tonight)
When does payment for this need to be in?
OK guys I am starting to take the payments for The Jap Show Finals I will put it on my Debit card so if you want to forward me your payments by PayPal to <!-- e --><a href="mailto:bmrautomotive@hotmail.com">bmrautomotive@hotmail.com</a><!-- e --> I will get the tickets now sorted.

Recap on prices Tickets are £12.00 for Sunday per Adult. For the weekend its £20.00 per Adult. (Children under 13 are Free)
Hi edd we are in the Orange Zone so close to where people walk into the Pits and not far to walk round the back of the startline to the catering area (thinking of my stomach again).
Payment sent mate :thumbup:
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