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Simply Japanese car show, Beulieu motor museum 31st July 2016


E51 Owner
E51 Expert
Reaction score
Notts / Derby border area.
First Name
Hi all another Japanese car show this time in the south at the Beulieu motor museum on the 31st July 2016 from 10,00 until 6.00 pm. Being in the heart of the New Forrest this would make a good long weekend break for anyone coming down from the north and would make a good meet for the southern owners on the sunday. If anyone is interested the details are on the Beaulieu web site but we would have to order tickets and meet up outside the venue so we can all park up together as individual spaces cannot be reserved. Feedback is required if you want me to organise it.

1)- BMR (Brian, Sue, John & Chris) PAID
2)- John Phillips.
3)- Glen Edwards
4)- Jonathon (Jon)
5)- Karl (The Boss)
6)- kippaxblue (Ian)
7)- alboy (Alan) PAID
8)- jonRWB (Jon)
9)- Hastingsranger (Ian)
10)- Absolution (Mark + 2) PAID
11)- Ian (Ian)
12)- Mark B (Mark) PAID
13)- Rapper (Alan & Belinda) PAID
14)- mike 4x4 (Mike)
15)- peter strkosz (Peter) PAID
16)- Steve g (Stephen)
17)- Des (Desmond) PAID
18)- Gramps (John & Wife) PAID
19)- Richard Fox (Richard & Family if they can)
20)- T Truckie (Hadley, Jane & Seb) PAID
21)- Karlos (Karl) PAID
22)- Jvr (Paul) PAID
23)- Bigvern (Glen & Emma) PAID
24)- Neil Scott & Sarah. PAID
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Sounds good to me. And I'd be really disappointed if more of the southern members don't out their name down for this. Come on guys. Plenty of warning, a great day out, and could even join us northern members who will probably camp out on the Saturday night.
I'm up for it, I suppose I should take the missus as well.
As this is almost certainly going to be the closest meet to me could I add my name to the list.
A definite maybe from me, I do weekend respite work for social services (24 weekends per year) and next years dates are not confirmed yet, but if at all possible I will attend.
Helloo, the 3 of us would like to be part of it too please :)
Hi Brian
could you put me and linda down for this one, might just make it a long weekend ;-)
Where were you thinking of camping as it would be good to be all together
Has there been any more news/info on camping for this event as might be able to make this one, but will need to stop over as a far distance away from home.
We shall be coming too {wife + twins & a mate}
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Damn, we're in Norfolk that weekend. Whatever it is she's arranged it better be bloody good. :(
Ok guys, we have 18 people interested in this show. If your still interested you will need to book and pay for your tickets at
This is the Beaulieu website for the event and you will find the ticket section on there.
The costs are as follows
Adult £10.00
Child £6.00 (5 to 17 inclusive)
Under 5s Free.

We also need to drive into the venue together so we can park together this will mean meeting up at a pre arranged time and location to convoy to the show.
The car parking is open at 9.00 with entry to the event at 10.00 and closes at 6.00 pm. This year we havnt organised a club stand but if its well attended this year we will see about a club stand for next years event.
So come on all you southerners this is a club meet and show in your area.

When you have ordered and paid for your tickets let me know so i can update the people going.