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Remember when......

I remember having my first ride on a bike with pedal back brakes …. It was down a steep hill and I had forgotten about them in the rush of adrenaline!!!

You have to be really careful coasting with those bad boys!!
Yes, it was a painful lesson 😄
Same here, lost my brakes once when I was about 12 and put my feet down to slow me :eek:
Got the scars and a bollocking for scuffing my school shoes
🤣 my brother just reminded me how I ruined my new trainers braking on a 1-in-4. I'd put the brake pads in back to front and lost them on the first left hander 🤣🤣 Mum was well pleased with me, she used the bigger wooden spoon that day 🏏
This seat is claimed to be comfortable....

It looks about as comfortable as the price.

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Bought myself a new Raleigh push / racer bike in 1988 at age 18, just a cheap one. Used it for a couple of years then left it in the garage for years. Around year 2000 I decided to use it again, put new tyres on it, went for a 30 mile bike ride which made my backside feel like I'd fallen on my coccyx/tailbone onto a sharpened brick, next day hoisted it up into the rafters in the garage where it's been ever since lol.

Is the seat you linked to supposed to be a ladies or mens seat lol?
Bought myself a new Raleigh push / racer bike in 1988 at age 18, just a cheap one. Used it for a couple of years then left it in the garage for years. Around year 2000 I decided to use it again, put new tyres on it, went for a 30 mile bike ride which made my backside feel like I'd fallen on my coccyx/tailbone onto a sharpened brick, next day hoisted it up into the rafters in the garage where it's been ever since lol.

Is the seat you linked to supposed to be a ladies or mens seat lol?
Definitely looks like it could be for both ladies or men’s simon but to be honest it looks more like it would appeal to the unsure
Definitely looks like it could be for both ladies or men’s simon but to be honest it looks more like it would appeal to the unsure
Looks like it'd be a bugger of a seat.

I would probably rather have the usual style racer bike seat made by Gillette.
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Did anyone else have a fixed wheel bike that they forgot was a fixed wheel, and tried to stop pedaling? Or was it just me. 😭
Did anyone else have a fixed wheel bike that they forgot was a fixed wheel, and tried to stop pedaling? Or was it just me. 😭
I didn’t have a Fixie but I had a bike with a pedal back brake.

When it rained heany everyone’s rims would get wet and their brakes would fail.

My pedal back brake was inside the hub so stayed dry, but it was lethal.

A bit like first time driving an automatic car - if to go for the clutch you are through the windscreen, if you pedal back by mistake you are over the handlebars.😆
I didn’t have a Fixie but I had a bike with a pedal back brake.

When it rained heany everyone’s rims would get wet and their brakes would fail.

My pedal back brake was inside the hub so stayed dry, but it was lethal.

A bit like first time driving an automatic car - if to go for the clutch you are through the windscreen, if you pedal back by mistake you are over the handlebars.😆
I did that the first time I drove an automatic, I left a couple of lovely black lines on the road. 🤣
Not a fan of them, quite the opposite actually, but how big Oasis were in the mid 90s. I was in a Cardiff city center pub/club, summer '96 and 'Wonderwall' was playing, and literally every punter was singing it with a gusto, in almost hypnotic fashion. I can remember looking and thinking it seems almost surreal.
Mention of the Alpine Pop Man in another thread brought back memories of the Corona we had delivered in the '70s.
They also sold cans without ring pulls which I took to school so I was "allowed" to take something similar to one of these in as well!