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Remember when......

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About age 7 I got a Go Kart a bit like this. I absolutely loved it and couldn't wait to get home from primary school to go peddling round and round the garden on it, no matter what the weather.

I didn't have one of those, but i wanted one.
We had a static caravan and the Ranger would rent these go-carts out along with tandem bikes for £1 per day.
Because we were owners and not tourists he would let me have the go-cart for a £1 for however long we were staying, loverly man.👍🏻

Things have changed now, here is my son going out on his......minus the pedals. 🙄


If it had pedals he would leave it in the garage. 😆
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I had a Raleigh Super Burner, gold n black, u til some local scroat nicked it.

Got insurance payment and got a Silverfox...brakes on the opposite side.

Pulled of a mid-air twist...landed cool as..hit what i thought was the rear brake and ended up over the handlebars chewing the rucks
When cars had a meaning!
My dad had soo many Granada's, brings back so many memories!

I had too many Granadas lol.

My dad had a 3L Mk1 when I was a kid. I owned many mk2's, all bought as 2.8's, mostly 2.8i'.s. I also had a few mk3's Scorpio 2.9's etc and an ugly bug eyed mk4.

Once test drove a 2.8i turbo in Sheffield, no MOT, bombing it up a hill, dodgy rusty brakes, came over the brow of the hill to see standing traffic, hard on the brakes which locked up and skidding toward the rear of the last car in the que for maybe half a second I came off the brakes just in time to steer around the que then got straight into a very handy gap between a couple of cars with the car but one in front a police car whose occupants luckily didn't even look in the mirrors lol;... The owner who was in the passenger seat didn't enjoy the test drive and I didn't end up buying that one lol but I at least 'blew some cobwebs out of it' for him hehe.