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Lets have a clean joke thread. Laughter heals as they say. (NO NASTY, OBSCENE OR COVID19!)

I'm glad this is a Nissan forum as when I tried joining a Citroen one I had to send in 2 CVs.

Worst thing is when I joined a foreign one they wanted to see a picture of my Visa.


(I'm nearly up to 10 posts, I'll stop soon)
Ooh, spilled your popcorn on purpose, you cheeky scamp! (When we get off this photoshoot you're up for adoption)

lil bastard.png
Anyway, we had a great New Years party at a friends house, we met an Indian guy who seems to have travelled all around the world, seen all the New wonders of the world and most of the old wonders that still exist, has swum with sharks, wrestled with bears and climbed the highest mountains. It came as no surprise to learn that his name is Bindair Dundat.
Anyway, we had a great New Years party at a friends house, we met an Indian guy who seems to have travelled all around the world, seen all the New wonders of the world and most of the old wonders that still exist, has swum with sharks, wrestled with bears and climbed the highest mountains. It came as no surprise to learn that his name is Bindair Dundat.
Reminds me of a great works outing I had in a karaoke bar, the best turn of the night was my Sikh colleague.....

Gerupta Singh
Well it's the new year, so I thought about how to make some money.. I approached the bank manager for a business loan.. he asked me what was my plans.. I told him I was going to invent an invisible aeroplane to which he replied.... I can't give you a loan as I can't see it taking off !!!