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JAE 2016 - 8th-11th September - Early planning

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The Boss
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North East
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North East
Now then, JAE 2015 was a MASSIVE success for us. We set out to put the Elgrand on the map, and we did it! Not only that, but we also won "Best Overall Club Stand" this year, which is a great honour.


We need to get the ball rolling now to make sure that next year we're back, bigger and better. We went into this years show with no experience at all and just winged it. This meant that pretty much everyone who attended ended up bringing far more than they should have. We want to streamline this as much as possible so that we have everything we need without putting anyone to more trouble than is necessary.

No one has mentioned about 2016 ticket prices. But I am going to guess that they will start off at £35 for the Thurday - Sunday and £30 for the Friday to Sunday, same as this year.

The EOC club tickets were £7.50 extra per head to help cover the cost of buying some basic equipment for the show. This may be a little higher next year as we are going to look into getting some extras included, which will be an extra few quid per person, but it will make the whole event much more comfortable for all of us.

The cost of these extras is going to be dependant on how many people we get on the stand. I want to double the numbers for next year, so 26 Elgrand's all showing up on the stand for the full weekend event... all prices will be based on this number. If we get more, it'll be cheaper. If we get less, we'll drop some of the extras and have a more basic set up like we had this year.

The extras that are currently on the list (we'll add to this as we go) are:

Electrical hookup @ approx £150 = £5.75 per person
Hog Roast @ approx £150 = £5.75 per person

JAE 2016 - 8th to 11th September

So, we need to know who will be up for it. This is more than just a car show, it's a 4 day camping trip that gives you an amazing opportunity to meet your fellow club members, show off your pride and joy and have a great social atmosphere for a few days. Everyone who came this year is returning next year, and they're all stoked about going. We've also had a LOT of interest from the public too, so maybe a few new members who are JAE-goers who will join us on the stand!

So then, get yours names down so we can start setting things out and organising it properly!!

  1. Karl - 1 adult - Thursday
  2. Headless - 1 adult - Thursday
  3. RapperFrapper - 2 adults - Thursday
  4. Absolution - 1 adult - Thursday
  5. simjoh - 2 adults - Thursday
  6. E50ZRider - 1 adult - Thursday
  7. silverback - 1 adult - Thursday
  8. kevmo_g - 1 adult - Thursday
  9. BMR - 2 adults - Thursday
  10. LittleG - 1 adult - Thursday
  11. electricaldave - 1 adult - Thursday
  12. mikeb4x4 - 1 adult - Thursday
  13. sean_h - 2 adults - Thursday
  14. Tigers26- 2 adults - Friday
  15. Barney - 2 adults - Thursday
  16. kippaxblue - 2 adults - Thursday
  17. RobP - 2 adults, 2 Kids - Friday
  18. Clocky280 - 1 adult - Thursday
  19. Jim Crow - 2 Adults 1 Child - Friday
  20. Oldboybob - 1 adult
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Bloody fantastic guys!
"Best Overall Club Stand"...bet you couldn't believe it! That is a fantastic result for a club that's only being going for a year. All credit to you Karl...I know you say it's the members that make the club, but you're its Daddy mate...and your baby is growing up fast!
Wish I could commit to going next year but the way my job is at the moment I can't look further than tomorrow!
SPOOKY....(or maybe not lol) just noticed 'headless' and I joined within 10 minutes of each other on the day you started the club!
Were we your first members?
I'm coming. Put me on the list please!
Count me in guys. Just me no little people or wife

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
If my van's here, we'll be there. That's the van and me, it's definitely not 'er indoor's scene. So if there is still some space then, I'll make a booking.
As you know and have seen me now, you would have realised I'm only little, and I won't take up much space.
If my van's not here, I'll still be a wannabe.
No, don't even think it.

Re. Best stand, well done all, again. I'm well chuffed for you all. Great effort, one and all. :clap2:
I'll add you to the list Derek. It's a year away at the moment, so loads of time to get your van sorted, but if not, we can rejig the attendance list.

Sent from space
Needless to say We will be there again, just try stopping us (2 Adults, if that's what we are)
put me down please 1 Adult.
I'm in, can't miss the 2nd coming

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
put me and linda down for next year, cheers
well done karl , cracking few days , really enjoyed it :thumbup:
Hey Karl,please put me & the Mrs down.unfortunately it'll be Friday-Sunday but better than this years attempt :drinks: :friends:
Right guys, we need to start thinking about how many stands we want. I was hoping to double the number of stands we buy for JAE 2016, but to do that, we need at least 24 Elgrand's to attend. We already have 15 names on the list.

We need to make this decision ASAP as if we want to keep the same area and also expand, we need to buy the plots on the 1st October.

Can you make sure you show your interest in the show NOW so that I can start looking at booking the plots we want?
Ian, JAE 2016 won't be until Sep mate, so plenty of time for you to get your van :) I'll add you to the list :)
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