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South East Goodwood Jap breakfast club


Here for life
South West
E51 Owner
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South West
On the 7th October is the Goodwood circuit breakfast club, and its Japanese Sunday. All you have to do is register and apply for free tickets to show or attend. I emailed over the weekend and got accepted this morning. I know Mark Baker on the FB page is going and also Neil Scott and Sarah in their cube. Anyone else fancy it??
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Possibly, but depends if I've taken delivery of my Rider which is due on Oct 1st.
I've registered...fingers crossed another show in the calendar
I might be on the south coast that weekend, if I can make it then I'll register and let you know.
Oh wow, just picked up our camper conversion from Free Spirit Autos, Chichester. Would love to attend but am based in Suffolk and timings awkward. Good luck to all those attending, have a great time.
You have flags I believe yeah??

Was about to message you..forgot to grab mine when left jae lol
i've got 2 huge ones :eyes::eyes:
you can see 1 in my avatar
Just had my confirmation....Im on show inside the circuit...
I would have fancied it but it's the day after my return from France on the late ferry so apart from being knackered I won't have had the time to dig out my winter woollies 😁.

Next time tho......
I would have fancied it but it's the day after my return from France on the late ferry so apart from being knackered I won't have had the time to dig out my winter woollies 😁.

Next time tho......

Excuses Excuses
meet up and roll in together???
all chat re Goodwood breakfast club now post here please!
Just got my acceptance mail from Goodwood, so I am in.