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Wales Elgrandfest 2024!!

Can I book 2 pitches, next to each other, both with electric for the 3 nights, Friday to Monday please? 2 adults, 2 little dogs in Misty and 2 adults in Blackbird. If you send me your bank info I'll transfer £84x2.
Thanks. Look forward to meeting you
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Can I book 2 pitches, next to each other, both with electric for the 3 nights, Friday to Monday please? 2 adults, 2 little dogs in Misty and 2 adults in Blackbird. If you send me your bank info I'll transfer £84x2.
Thanks. Look forward to meeting you
I’ve just sent you a message with bank details I’ll add you guys to the list :)
Are you coming down all the way from Sunderland?
Unfortunately. I was refused permission to go to Wales direct from the Modified Nationals in Lincoln :( . Still it's a nice drive down to Erwlon from Sunderland, I've done it twice before.
Lisa just sent payment to you.:party::party::party::party::party: Kev
Hey Lisa-Marie - apologies for coming late to the party, hope there's another sticker for the rear window :). Can we please book for 2 nights with electrical hook up for 2 adults and 1 child (8) with awning? I'll pop the funds over now
Hey Lisa-Marie - apologies for coming late to the party, hope there's another sticker for the rear window :). Can we please book for 2 nights with electrical hook up for 2 adults and 1 child (8) with awning? I'll pop the funds over now
No worries of course I’ll add you to the list :)
...okee doke....I do appreciate that......if I need to pay for the 3 nights to get a space held/to assist....no problem. If it's a no/no....again no problem, just trying to organise where I need to be.....
I have messaged you :)
We are unable to make it now, as we are looking at exchanging with our new house (moving to Wales), but will defo be up for it next year. Hope you all have fun
We are unable to make it now, as we are looking at exchanging with our new house (moving to Wales), but will defo be up for it next year. Hope you all have fun
No worries good luck with the move :)
Last chance to book guys!! 🏕️

If you haven’t made payment yet please do as will be contacting the campsite in the next few days to finalise the numbers and make payment :)
Hi Lisa-Marie I hope its not to late to book me in for the weekend with ehu smale awning one old man with need to check where to pay and how much just hade 20 days of nightmare nice to get back to reality