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Boat pics

I think most of us have run out of fuel at some point, but the severity of the issue is amplified when you are on a boat, on your own, with a customer on his way to pick up his van and your tea in the oven.

Im just glad you didnt build an aeroplane.😬

Are you allowed to carry a 20 litre jerry can in the boat, if so that is what i would do until i gained the trust of the gauge.

Imagine if you had gone for your quick blast/trim test out at sea......😵‍💫

You may have been on one of those RNLI rescue programmes ( man on boat found drifting off the Irish coast, smoking a Hamlet Cigar and listening to Air on a G-String.)

Onwards and upwards 👍🏻
I wouldn't have gone for even a quick blast on the sea unless there was a lot more fuel in it anyway and the VHF was fixed.

Can't use a stick to check tank level, the tank is under the middle of the deck with a board screwed down above it and the filler is at the rear just above the swim platform.

Pic of the tank under the deck when I was messing with the old sender unit.


I know the tank is 29 US Gallons, 109.6 litres, because the tank manufacturer sticker is still on it.


Can and will start to take a jerry can but I don't think I'll have another problem with running out of fuel again now I've realised my mistake re the gauge will show higher level with the boat on the water due to the angle the boat sits at in the water.
Got the boat out of the river and towed it home today but went for a short ride on it before getting it out.

Opened it up at one point for the first time today, didn't check speed with GPS but the dash speedo read 45mph and we had the (un-aerodynamic) weather cover fitted.

The video in this link isn't going flat out, it is from an earlier point today when we got it on the plane
Thought to myself... If the speed limit on the river is 6 knots, say 7 mph, and at one point I was doing 45mph. it doesn't seem nearly as reckless as doing 192.8 mph in a car through a 30mph zone even though they're both exceeding the speed limit by 6.43 times lol. Still courteous and thoughtful, slow down to a crawl if any fishermen are on the banks, any other boats around (moored or moving) etc.

Didn't even get wet retrieving the boat from the water, backed the trailer in to the right depth then drove the boat onto the trailer, then climbed out of the front of the boat and walked up the trailer to the back of the car and dry land :) Step son was with me today, he did get wet a bit by wading in to connect the winch to the front of the boat. In hindsight could've walked down the trailer to connect the winch. :joy:
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Secret to never missing the trailer simon

View attachment 103724
Straight in there Dave 💪 . Mine's got position markers on it but this could be another incenticve to get it right kind of instinctively.

But in addition to making sure you get in the middle, make sure you don't go in too low or the old girl might not like it.

There may come a day when I need position markers for other stuff but not sure she likes tatoos.
Slides up easier when it's already wet :p