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Is the medicine in liquid form or is it in tablets?
Could you add water and lactase?
I had a friend who was seriously lactose intolerant( It's the prime sugar in milk) and she was desperate to lose weight but couldn't use the "milk shake" variety of diet product that she wanted to use. The company that made it recommended that she added Lactase and kept it in the 'fridge overnight before taking it.
If not Lactase, is there anything else that can neutralise the lactose?
We are back in the land of The Netherlands! :relieved:
My wife's medical tests she had back in July were confirmed this time with the MRI she had and the consultation with the Neurosurgeon.
On top of the neck surgery she also has tethered cord and bilateral jugular vein compression, that also needs operating on.
I shall explain more when my head is a little clearer, but right now we are trying to absorb this new diagnosis!!!
We were actually back last week, but we have also been dealing with a poorly Medical Alert dog. Before we left for Spain we noticed that her bark had changed some what and over the weeks we were away it slowly got worse and now its at the point where she sounds like someone with very bad asthma! We have had the vet out and she's currently on Antibiotics.
For members that might be interested, this is an explanation of Tethered Cord Syndrome:

What is Tethered Cord?

Tethered cord is a condition where the end of the spinal cord gets stuck to the spinal canal. It can occur during foetal development (congenital) or as a result of spinal damage. In some cases, especially in EDS patients, the tethering is "occult", thus an initial supine MRI shows no abnormalities.

What are common symptoms?

  • Urinary issues (frequency, emptying, pain, frequent UTIs)
  • Unsteady walking
  • Lower back pain
  • Weakness in the legs
  • Loss of feeling in the lower limbs
  • Gastrointestinal problems
How is Occult Tethered cord diagnosed?

A normal supine (face up) lumbar MRI alone is usually not adequate in investigating for Occult Tethered Cord. A prone and supine lumbar MRI allow us to compare both images. Obtaining a prone (face down) lumbar MRI with clear imaging is difficult as the prone position causes respiratory artifacts (blurry imaging from breathing). In Barcelona we use a 3T MRI machine with artificial intelligence and special sequencing to produce clear images. Please be aware that unless the clinic engaged has experience in prone imaging, the results will most likely be blurry and not be adequate for evaluation.

What does treatment entail?

Surgery should be the last option. However if symptoms significantly affect quality of life, a tethered cord release could be considered. Cord untethering usually involves a hemilaminectomy (removing a small part of the vertebrae) and then cutting the filum terminale, a stringy tissue that runs down the bottom of the spinal cord.
I’ve no idea what you guys are going through - I can only imagine.
But I think this news is promising as now at least you know what it is, and better still you have options on how to deal with it.
For members that might be interested, this is an explanation of Tethered Cord Syndrome:

What is Tethered Cord?

Tethered cord is a condition where the end of the spinal cord gets stuck to the spinal canal. It can occur during foetal development (congenital) or as a result of spinal damage. In some cases, especially in EDS patients, the tethering is "occult", thus an initial supine MRI shows no abnormalities.

What are common symptoms?

  • Urinary issues (frequency, emptying, pain, frequent UTIs)
  • Unsteady walking
  • Lower back pain
  • Weakness in the legs
  • Loss of feeling in the lower limbs
  • Gastrointestinal problems
How is Occult Tethered cord diagnosed?

A normal supine (face up) lumbar MRI alone is usually not adequate in investigating for Occult Tethered Cord. A prone and supine lumbar MRI allow us to compare both images. Obtaining a prone (face down) lumbar MRI with clear imaging is difficult as the prone position causes respiratory artifacts (blurry imaging from breathing). In Barcelona we use a 3T MRI machine with artificial intelligence and special sequencing to produce clear images. Please be aware that unless the clinic engaged has experience in prone imaging, the results will most likely be blurry and not be adequate for evaluation.

What does treatment entail?

Surgery should be the last option. However if symptoms significantly affect quality of life, a tethered cord release could be considered. Cord untethering usually involves a hemilaminectomy (removing a small part of the vertebrae) and then cutting the filum terminale, a stringy tissue that runs down the bottom of the spinal cord.
Try & Keep the faith, makes me realise that ,other people are going through so much & life is cruel, when we are dealt a bad hand, it makes you wonder how we get through,
But keep your Spirits up, as hard as it is,
Keep fighting are more importantly keep communicating,
Thoughts are Sincerely with you
Our/my wife's poor Assistance dog is still not doing any better! Seems like her Larynx is not functioning correctly from how she is acting and sounding. Just fed her and now her food is becoming stuck and she keeps bringing some of it backup.
We are going to take her back to the vets as it looks like the antibiotics are not working so maybe some imagery is necessary.
Please could everyone have poor Miami in their thoughts, I am very concerned as she is an old lady now at 12. 🙏
Took Miami to the vets yesterday for an xray. The vet did wonder whether something was stuck in her throat but after them consulting with an animal hospital they came to conclusion that nothing is stuck but they do not know what all the blurry stuff is that looks like a blockage.
Today she has not changed and is still extremely weasy and struggling to breath/eat. Is anyone on here a vet, or have any friends or family that are vets that could possibly look at the images as we are not sure where to go next from here....

Just got back from the Animal Hospital after leaving Miami there for a CT scan and a look at her throat.
Unfortunately the news does not sound good from what they have seen on the previous xray. They think they see a tumour in her cervical part of her neck and the throat issue could be secondary from this!! Trying to type this whilst crying over the keyboard whilst listening to my poor wife sobbing to her mum telling her the news.
We had to say our good byes to her just incase there is any complications when they insert the tube in her throat which was soul destroying, she has never left my wife's side in the past 11 years and still lastnight she was indicating and looking after my wife!

Geez how much more sh*t can we take, my poor wife also lost one of her best friends in The Netherlands last week at the age of 51!
Please could everyone pray that she comes through from the testing so we can spend a bit more time with her before we decide upon the next steps!!! :sob:
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