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Last song you listened to?

Davey Arthur and the Fureys - works for me :clap: :thumbup: Brilliant live

last song I listened to :- Rod Stewart - Rebel Heart :music:
Just listened to a Paula Jarosz album which contained the track "Shankill Butchers". Brought back vivid memories of that murderous gang :devil: from time working in Belfast.
Blink-182 & Greenday... lot's of songs spanning lot's of albums. Getting my punk rock on at the moment.
Ozzy bark at the moon ,off to slipknot,korn gig saterday so a bit of them till then I think
daveengland said:
Ozzy bark at the moon ,off to slipknot,korn gig saterday so a bit of them till then I think

YOU WHAT???? Korn & Slipknot are touring? I need to get some tickets!!!

Just looked... nothing in the North East (surprise surprise...) Closest is Nottingham, on Monday night. Can't get there in time and can't get the time off work. FUCK!

Anyway... last song listened to Trivium: Gunshot to the head of trepidation.
Cardiff were off sold out quickly soon as they went on sale was lucky to get returns :drinks:
daveengland said:
Cardiff were off sold out quickly soon as they went on sale was lucky to get returns :drinks:

I want a full report back on this gig! In fact, I want a live video feed of the event! :cry2:
by Pharell....just now...................no wait a minute that was yesterday ......no the day before .....and the day before ..........and the day before.......and every bloody day before that ...........I do like it though seems to be on the radio aw the time.
JohnE I don't listen to the radio for exactly that reason. When a good song does eventually come out, it gets played to death and you end up hating it.

Clocky, not listened to Rancid for a long time. Must get me some.

For me, it was All That Remains: This Calling
Well,in a different music mode today.blasting outta the eonon,Calvin Harris's 18 months cd. :dance2:
Avenged Sevenfold: Beast and the Harlot

Tool: Eulogy, Forty Six & Two, Aenema, Prison Sex, Stink Fist, Lateralus (my favourite song), Schism, Parabol, Parabola, Rosetta Stoned, The Pot, 10,000 Days, Vicarious..... I list all of these because they are awesome, and deserve to be listed :music:
and another one - :music: Spirit in the Sky - Norman Greenbaum but 1969? Really :eek:
All about the bass........its all about the bass .....................................................................................................what age am I??
Norman Greenbaum....abso Classico ! Anyways,today belting outta the eonon,it's been Led Zeppelin & early days cd....good times bad times :party:
Talking about Spirit in the Sky one of my customers was in Doctor and the Medics who also released that.
TravellingMomma said:
Dire Straits - Walk of Life :dance2:

That one and a lot more of Dire Straits you can hear it very often in my car. :cool: :cool: