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Whitley Bay
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I've sussed how to get the fuel economy screen on, and wished I didn't bother. I knew I was buying a juice guzzling 7 seater petrol eater but 3.4 KPL!!! That equates to around 8 MPG...can this be right?
Try resetting it (although don't expect too much!). I think it's the second option down on the fuel economy screen.
I think you have done really well.
In imperial mpg it is 9.6mpg.
If you are only pootling around the houses, start stop for junctions etc then yes this can be about right unfortunately, depending on your driving style of course and last time it was serviced etc etc, all the usual stuff.

Of course if this is on a nice long run on the motorway at 56mph or similar then you may have an issue.

We need to measure it against what @Bob Edwards manages lol
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If you've reset the screen it takes a few journeys to build up the average and give a true reading.
Leave it a week or so and then see if its the same!
To me that does sound a bit thirstier than normal but then I do drive like a granny most of the time! lol
If you're driving enjoyably then 8mpg is about rightšŸ˜Š.
Drive like an old fart you might get 16mpg round town
If you're driving enjoyably then 8mpg is about rightšŸ˜Š.
Drive like an old fart you might get 16mpg round town

Must be driving like Miss Daisy as I worked out my mileage and Im getting around 21-24MPG! :eek:
I guess I have the added advantage that The Netherlands is very flat! :joy:
Has the speedo been chipped to read in MPH? Is so you might be getting a reading of miles per litre, not KM per litre ā€¦ mine read like that, I got about 5 miles per litre, which is 20 odd MPG ā€¦
Must be driving like Miss Daisy as I worked out my mileage and Im getting around 21-24MPG! :eek:
I guess I have the added advantage that The Netherlands is very flat! :joy:
I might exaggerate a little. I can get mine down to 9mpg if I spank it everywhere.
Usually I'm getting 18-20mpg on average.
Great comments as usual, it might be a case of all of the above. It may be that it's reading miles and not kilometres, and a major point to pick up on is that all of my driving is round the doors, virtually no dual carriageways and even less motorways. This is the main reason I had the LPG conversion as I knew this would be the case. Some solid facts here though, I have been running the tank empty and driving in the different modes to see if there is a difference in fuel consumption. So far standard and power have been almost identical, giving me a hefty 210 miles on a tank of LPG, costing Ā£55 to fill up. I'm now roughly halfway through driving in snow mode, I'll let you know how it turns out.
Great comments as usual, it might be a case of all of the above. It may be that it's reading miles and not kilometres, and a major point to pick up on is that all of my driving is round the doors, virtually no dual carriageways and even less motorways. This is the main reason I had the LPG conversion as I knew this would be the case. Some solid facts here though, I have been running the tank empty and driving in the different modes to see if there is a difference in fuel consumption. So far standard and power have been almost identical, giving me a hefty 210 miles on a tank of LPG, costing Ā£55 to fill up. I'm now roughly halfway through driving in snow mode, I'll let you know how it turns out.
Only 210 miles range on LPG...? And a fill up only costs Ā£55? It would seem you have a small LPG tank and I didn't do your LPG conversion then?
No you didn't, it was done by Martin at LPG Northeast. Although it is a smaller tank than you would have fitted it has been done competently by someone with over 30 years experience in LPG installations. I have to say I would recommend him to anyone who is considering a conversion, especially those Elgranders living up North, brilliant to deal with and excellent after sales service.
I've been on gas since Jan this year - covered 5,400 miles at average of 6 km / litre (around 17 mpg). I have Simon's 90 litre tank and easily get 450+ kms before I think about fill up. Used 1500 litres so saved a packet
I've sussed how to get the fuel economy screen on, and wished I didn't bother. I knew I was buying a juice guzzling 7 seater petrol eater but 3.4 KPL!!! That equates to around 8 MPG...can this be right?
Most of this is covered already but...

Very much sounds more like 3.4 miles per litre (bet your car has been chipped to show the odometer and speedometer in miles, with the original km dial kept (does it go to 180?)

3.4 miles per litre converted to miles per Imperial (UK) gallon would be just over 15mpg... about right for around town driving.

Idling lowers the km per litre readout fast, so that's another factor that can mess things up.

Driving on a cold engine is also *way* less efficient... and makes up a bigger proportion of short around-town journeys.
I still haven't managed to run my LPG tank down to empty, but I have managed 309 miles between fill-ups and with a bit of motorway and quite a lot of town driving (with steep hills) and commuting my MPG since April has been about 17.
At 72.7p per litre though I'm not too fussed, the conversion by my reckoning should have paid for itself in the first year.
Most of this is covered already but...

Very much sounds more like 3.4 miles per litre (bet your car has been chipped to show the odometer and speedometer in miles, with the original km dial kept (does it go to 180?)

3.4 miles per litre converted to miles per Imperial (UK) gallon would be just over 15mpg... about right for around town driving.

Idling lowers the km per litre readout fast, so that's another factor that can mess things up.

Driving on a cold engine is also *way* less efficient... and makes up a bigger proportion of short around-town journeys.
Indeed my Speedo does still say 180. Another point to make, apparently the van runs on petrol when you first start it up until the engine warms up, roughly about a kilometre in the morning, before the LPG kicks in. So factor in buying petrol even after the conversion. My 3.4 has dropped to 2.9, ooh that engine though šŸ˜Š
Ok all, just ran out of LPG yesterday after running it in snow mode. It covered 205 miles, but here's the rub, I only put Ā£48 in as the LPG pump cut out. All final figures as follows:

Ā£55..standard mode..211 miles.
Ā£60..sport mode........210 miles.
Ā£48..snow mode........205 miles.

Based on my simple research it appears there is some truth in snow mode being more economical. I have to say it still feels responsive and if you need to give it wellie it drops snow mode and drives as it does in the other modes anyway, like thrust 2!