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JAE 2015 - Attendees & Planning Thread

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The Boss
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North East
Right then guys and girls, all the information for JAE 2015 has been finalised and bookings are now being taken. I have made it abundantly clear that I want big things from this club, and to do that, we need to get a strong show presence. Not only will this be a great place for other Elgrand owners to see what we are about, but it will also give other Japanese car enthusiasts a chance to see what the Elgrand is all about.

We have 2 stands booked. This is enough for 24 Elgrands + camping. Let's get this ball rolling and make this first EOC JAE event a massive success!



All the organising will be done by me, so if you want to come, send me the money as per the below prices and I will book everyone's tickets. This keeps things simple for you guys, you just send me some money and let me worry about the rest.


The prices below are the fee you will need to pay to me. They are slightly higher than the listed prices on the JAE site, but that is to cover the cost of plots and the booking fee for the tickets.

Price for Thursday to Sunday = £42.50 per person
Price Friday to Sunday = £37.50 per person
Price Saturday to Sunday = £37.50 per person
UNDER TWELVES ARE FREE - TWO PER PAYING ADULT. I am not sure how much it would be to buy a child ticket if there are more than two per adult, but I'm pretty sure we'll be able to spread the kids out among all the paying adults!

You can chose to pay for a day pass to the show, but you will not get your Elgrand on the club stand. See the JAE Event page for individual pass prices

For more information on JAE to see if you want to attend, please see here.

If you want to come, please add your name to the list below.

This show is really important to the club, I cannot stress that enough. I know the cost might seem a little steep, but when you bear in mind this includes nearly a week of camping, entertainment, and access to one of the countries biggest Japenese car shows, it suddenly looks a little more reasonable. A big attendance at this show will prove that we are a club, and not just a knowledge bank. So come on guys... bring your kids, your dogs, your kitchen sink, and have a great weekend camping with your fellow members. A weekend of BBQ's, drinks, cars and laughter.

1/ Karl + Family (1 adult + 2 Children) THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
2/ Rapper Frapper (2 adults + 2 Children) THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
3/ Simjoh (2 adults) THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
4/ Headless (1 Adult) THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
5/ BMR (2 adults + dogs) - Caravan THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
6/ clocky280 (2 adults + 2 children + dog) - FRIDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
7/ Absolution (2 adults + 1 child) - THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
8/9/ Sean (2 Adults) - THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
11/ kevmo_g (1 Adult + 2 Children) - THURSDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
12/ blingo (1 Adult + 1 Child) - FRIDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
13/ mikeb4x4 (1 Adult + Child) - FRIDAY TO SUNDAY - PAID
If I don't get at least 30 people coming, I'm shutting the site down..................... :laugh:

(yes, that's a joke :crazy: ).
Put me down Karl please.
Stick me down for the whole time dude, I'll be coming on my own, plenty of room for me then in the Ellie, haha!!!!!
5 names already on the list, this is great stuff guys! We've nearly filled a stand already!

Any more people interested in putting their names down? It will be a great weekend, and it will give the club a huge boost :D
Put me in for whole time but I will confirm for how long I will stay and how many people closer to the deadline. :thumbup:
Yeh bang mr&mrs caravanman + scoobs down please Karl. :friends:
Hi guys, Put us down for whole event, Mr and Mrs BMR (Brian & Sue) + Caravan and Awning as we need the space for our two manic Border Collies (when on the leads i become a passenger, they go where they want and i follow).
Looks like I might have to extend the list soon :D

Keep it coming guys, this is brilliant :thumbup:
Evening all, God willing i hope to be with you Friday~Sunday myself and my two sons both under 12, will be bunking down in the car
Right all, I got the plot info wrong.

One plot is 20m x 20m which is big enough for approx 12 vehicles and associated camping. The plot needs to be booked ASAP.

First plot is free, but then each plot there after is £20.83 each. I am going to reserve 2 plots, which will give us enough room in total for 24 vehicles, although I will be surprised if we will actually fill both plots (although I would LOVE to).
2 plots have now been reserved. I have sent them an email to confirm what we need to do etc as this is the first time I've ever tried to organise such an event.
I'll bring my driveaway awning for me to stay in as well as the back of the Ellie, but I'll also bring my double size pop up gazebo, it's 3mx6m and has the 4 sides too so can be fully closed or we can put back and sides on and leave front open, it's HUUUUUGE so will act as a great club meet area
Add us m8 2 adults 2 kids 1dog thanx fri to sun :help:
can bring large gazebo too 6x3 with sides if needed
We have out stands confirmed for JAE.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.japcarclub.org/index.php/club-information/car-club-locations/kanetsu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.japcarclub.org/index.php/clu ... ns/kanetsu</a><!-- m -->

We are right next to NE Japs and "Shoot All Ballers" (Not a clue who they are!).

We need more people on the list!!!!!! Come on guys! This will be a fantastic weekend not only for you, but for the club.
I will make sure i have the leisure battery on board and will bring a couple of 10w LED floodlights for the evening
Can you put me down for the whole 3 days .... thanks :wave2:
Could you put 2 adults down please :) Might just be myself though depends if the Long Haired General can get the Holiday booked :) Thursday to Sunday. Thanks
Ive been to this show with my supra club and had a great time. Will join you guys another year as this year my wedding is sucking all funds lol
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