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Yakushi 2023 September 1st 2nd 3rd

As I understand the situation. Cliff will not be attending the show. (However this may change)
As it stands I believe the club will be providing a communal bbq for everyone to use, but we'll all be cooking for ourselves in one form or another
Still no Cliff? Won’t be the same if I’ve got to flip my own burger?
Still no Cliff? Won’t be the same if I’ve got to flip my own burger?
Afraid not mate. It will be every person for themselves cooking. There will be several bbqs with plenty of coal available to use throughout the days and evenings.
Yeah, Cliff believe it or not, went full snowflake and spat his dummy out.
We managed without a chef, and we'll manage again :joy:
Right, here is the updated list.

I need final money in for tickets ASAP. Original deadline was today, but I have asked if we can have an extension. - Extension confirmed to 25th August.

@Kieron and @Purple People Eater - I have your deposits, but need final payments in please.
@Sammyhandro I've had no money in from yourself.

@sebamax2 - I've not had any money in from you either as of yet, but you mentioned you need to confirm how many are attending. Can you let me know ASAP please?
Heads up everyone, rail strikes on the 1st September.

@Karl this is the warning that we will not be leaving as late as we usually do 👀🤣
Think its time to organize a convoy from the North East.
Leave about 9-10am. Have to be there early as I will be taking the marque and genny etc.
I can only do max 60 with the trailer on.
Think its time to organize a convoy from the North East.
Leave about 9-10am. Have to be there early as I will be taking the marque and genny etc.
I can only do max 60 with the trailer on.
I keep forgetting you’re going as well hahaha

I am happy with this…. 10am leaving mine would be best as I’m on a Alnwick wedding run the night before. 60 is all I ever do anyway, especially if I’m going to have the PA in the back as well as that’s a lot of weight.

But certainly not @Karl and @Pippa ’s idea of 10am

Get @Madfish out of bed early too.
I keep forgetting you’re going as well hahaha

I am happy with this…. 10am leaving mine would be best as I’m on a Alnwick wedding run the night before. 60 is all I ever do anyway, especially if I’m going to have the PA in the back as well as that’s a lot of weight.

But certainly not @Karl and @Pippa ’s idea of 10am

Get @Madfish out of bed early too.
Hi all paid apologies for the delay impossible to get hold of anyone while they are on holidays

Booked for the 2 vans for now. I'm hoping if others decide to come as passengers they can just get the normal weekend tickets and stay at the stand?
Think its time to organize a convoy from the North East.
Leave about 9-10am. Have to be there early as I will be taking the marque and genny etc.
I can only do max 60 with the trailer on.
What time will you guys be passing Junction 28 M1, i will tag along
Think its time to organize a convoy from the North East.
Leave about 9-10am. Have to be there early as I will be taking the marque and genny etc.
I can only do max 60 with the trailer on.
Sounds like a plan
Are we having a fire pit or two this year? 👀