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Why does my Elgrand talk to me?

Ive listened to her for a couple of years now every time I turn the car on.
She doesn’t turn me on so it’s not a fair relationship. I think she has to go. I’ll have a look at taking the wiring etc out this week and if someone in Japan wishes to have her voice back, they can buy her
I fancy pulling her out. The novelty has worn off but I'm Still a bit worried about cocking something else up when I do it.
Seems a lot of fiddling about to get rid of a sexy voice
What I find annoying is that the music is slightly dimmed for her to talk. If she just chattered behind it it would be fine.
Yeh, on mine it seems if the default screen has the sat nav on it, she talks and the music dims, but if it’s showing the fuel consumption screen, she doesn’t talk.
I also used a translate app and went through a load of the settings turning audio off