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Anyone who has worked in a large manufacturing factory will be aware of how bad the toilets can be, over used, abused, non-working, overflowing etc.

So now I have set the tone, let me paint you a picture -

Area 5 toilet block 5 urinals 5 traps zero working locks, no hot water in basins, no maintenance and servicing approx 300 men ( I say men as the women used there own )

Most employees were aghast at the state of the toilets but some purposely added to it, for example- filling the bowl with toilet roll to the brim and then shi77ing on the top, they called it ‘rafting’ and found it highly amusing. 🤢

To the right hand side of the trap there was a huge toilet roll dispenser, maybe two foot in diameter, it was locked and enclosed with the toilet roll hanging out the bottom.

Animals would wipe their arses on the toilet roll without tearing it off, then they would rewind the roll back into the reel leaving nothing hanging out.

So the next victim would curl one off then blindly fumble around trying to catch hold of the end of the roll, thus covering his fingers in shi7. 🤮

I soon found that sliding off to the Asda over the road was the best way to go for a number 2…..
Anyone who has worked in a large manufacturing factory will be aware of how bad the toilets can be, over used, abused, non-working, overflowing etc.

So now I have set the tone, let me paint you a picture -

Area 5 toilet block 5 urinals 5 traps zero working locks, no hot water in basins, no maintenance and servicing approx 300 men ( I say men as the women used there own )

Most employees were aghast at the state of the toilets but some purposely added to it, for example- filling the bowl with toilet roll to the brim and then shi77ing on the top, they called it ‘rafting’ and found it highly amusing. 🤢

To the right hand side of the trap there was a huge toilet roll dispenser, maybe two foot in diameter, it was locked and enclosed with the toilet roll hanging out the bottom.

Animals would wipe their arses on the toilet roll without tearing it off, then they would rewind the roll back into the reel leaving nothing hanging out.

So the next victim would curl one off then blindly fumble around trying to catch hold of the end of the roll, thus covering his fingers in shi7. 🤮

I soon found that sliding off to the Asda over the road was the best way to go for a number 2…..
I have seen similar behaviour in office blocks and it was sometimes just as bad in the female facilities.
I can vouch for the female toilets.
I clean them at work.
Everything is on the seat or the floor.
Yes even the wrong week stuff too.
Sometimes the smell is 🤢
They never put the seat down.
I have even had to turn the water down on the sink as they flood the bathroom out when washing their hand too.
And 20 women with 2 cubicles go through 4 toilet rolls and 2 packs of paper towels a day,
Guy who runs the corner shop was selling cowboy toilet paper, I asked him why he called it cowboy toilet paper and he said it's rough, tough and don't take no sh** from any Indian.
I can vouch for the female toilets.
I clean them at work.
Everything is on the seat or the floor.
Yes even the wrong week stuff too.
Sometimes the smell is 🤢
They never put the seat down.
I have even had to turn the water down on the sink as they flood the bathroom out when washing their hand too.
And 20 women with 2 cubicles go through 4 toilet rolls and 2 packs of paper towels a day,
You are a better man than me, I couldn’t do that.

I would be looking at each female teacher thinking….is she the dirty bee atch - or not ?

I couldn’t change a dirty nappy on my son either, I would drive to my Mums or hope the babysitter around the corner was in and order her a Dominoes in exchange.

I am a sympathy spewer as well, if someone is sick, I’m sick.

Yet I can butcher a rabbit, kill it, skin it, gut it, and eat it….not for fun but necessity.

I have also drank pi55, or Castlemain XXXX as it was called.
You are a better man than me, I couldn’t do that.

I would be looking at each female teacher thinking….is she the dirty bee atch - or not ?

I couldn’t change a dirty nappy on my son either, I would drive to my Mums or hope the babysitter around the corner was in and order her a Dominoes in exchange.

I am a sympathy spewer as well, if someone is sick, I’m sick.

Yet I can butcher a rabbit, kill it, skin it, gut it, and eat it….not for fun but necessity.

I have also drank pi55, or Castlemain XXXX as it was called.
I was a (shite) father at 20 and I used to drive my boy 10 miles so MIL would change his nappy. Proud (ashamed) to say I went on to have two boys and have never changed a nappy.