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Started getting unexpected pain in my left big toe joint last Thursday, it was also swollen looked red and was warm (still talking about the big toe). Much worse on Friday so booked a doctors appointment. Could hardly walk Saturday & Sunday or get footwear on. Drove mother in law to hospital appointment on Monday, drove wearing crocs and didn't use left foot. Drove to doctors this morning wearing crocs and was able to drive and walk OK.
Doctor said it was either gout or arthritis! Probably not gout as recovery seems too quick.

All I can say is that it hurts more than the osteoarthritis in the right big toe.
So been to the final of the Farnham Girls under 18 Rugby National Regional Cup Final, Granddaughter and her team were oustanding and won, helped clearly by my rinsing the bar of many pints of Guinness, Khal was driving. After many a long farewell, home to unbelievable tasty pork meal and Kahl rinsing some "Katie Jones" wine. I am left doing the pan bash, was going to play some prog on the minirig but for some reason from a time gone by, decided to play the" Four Tops Greatest hits", no idea why. Found myself dancing around like and eejit from the 60/70s. You know sometimes you just have to regress.
for some reason from a time gone by, decided to play the" Four Tops Greatest hits", no idea why. Found myself dancing around like and eejit from the 60/70s. You know sometimes you just have to regress.
You can't help yourself...
That does beg the question about how well the camera system works... It can't be that much lower and there will be dips and peaks on the roads anyway. Maybe more corporate red tape on Tesla or Autoglass part rather than a true concern but a pita for some Tesla owners nonetheless.