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    We look forward to getting to know you and help you with any questions or problemd you have with your Elgrand.

What have you done to your Elgrand today?

have you noticed that some Renault Clio's have the same fog lights as other vehicles...
Mind you some E51's have tires that fit a range of other vehicles.....kin ell
Just seen a big tumbleweed bush roll on past, anyone know who’s it is?
Just watched a mechanic drive off with my Brumby! was like they were driving off with my child!
Fingers crossed it's first MOT
*Update* she failed MOT :-(((( I was quoted an extortionate price to fix it! So I went to the dealer I got it from and thank goodness I did.It will be no where near the quotation.Brumby off the road for a few days waiting for parts but I shall never go back to that other garage and instead take it to someone familiar with our babies.
*Update* she failed MOT :-(((( I was quoted an extortionate price to fix it! So I went to the dealer I got it from and thank goodness I did.It will be no where near the quotation.Brumby off the road for a few days waiting for parts but I shall never go back to that other garage and instead take it to someone familiar with our babies.
Bugger what did she fail on?
Drive shaft joint constant velocity boot split or insecure x 3 anti roll bar ball joint dust cover letting in dirt x 2 and couple minors 650 with 100 either side just incase!!!
Never rains but it pours. As good as new when sorted though.