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USER SURVEY - ElgrandOC 4x Day UK Event Research


The Boss
Staff member
E50 Owner
Premium Member
North East
E50 Expert
Reaction score
First Name
North East
This is something that we have talked about doing for years, a proper annual national UK based ElgrandOC event.

The cogs are turning and we're going to try and gear up to bring you something in 2023. With that target in mind, we need some questions answering so we've developed the below survey that we would like you to complete.



This is going to be a very manual task to analyse the data, so please help us to collate the data by following my example in the first comment below.


We are aiming to plan a 4 day event, Thursday to Sunday. At this event, members will be able to come and go at any point whether you only want to stay for 1 night, or 3 nights. You will be able to come and go as you please during the day, it will not be a car show (for now at least).

Basic facilities will be provided in terms of toilets and showers etc. Whether that be via the location we choose, or we will look to provide them for the event.

Initially this is to be an ElgrandOC only event, but we may open it up to friends of the club. Ultimately, this could develop into something greater, so this is your chance to be part of the foundation of something bigger.

Insurance, licences etc will all be researched and present at the event.

The club is NOT looking to make money from this event. This will be a break-even deal to make it as fair as possible to all those who attend.


I've had to send a number of messages out to people who have asked for the event to be planned closer to them. This will NOT happen. All four locations have been picked as they are the most central to all members. What we are aiming to achieve from this is the North/South bias of the central location. We will not move the event to Devon (for example) as that will make it unfair on anyone travelling from the North. We will not move the event to the lake District as this will make it unfair on those travelling from the south. Please do NOT request for the event to be placed more local to you for convenience. It comes across as selfish and that's not what this club is about.

If you want and event planning in your local area, please feel free to speak to regional members in the appropriate chat section and organise something yourself. Everyone is encouraged to organise events if they would like them. We as an admin team cannot organise events in every region to suit members unwilling to travel. All locations for this event are 200+ miles for myself, so it's not like I've chosen them on my own doorstep for convenience. Thank you.


Please do not enter into discussion in this thread. This has purely been designed as a way to get feedback to the questions below. Any conversation posts or replies that do not meet the required format will just be deleted.
It will remain open until we've had enough replies to get a good baseline understanding of your collective requirements.

The results of this survey will be used to determine whether or not it is worth investing our time in such an event, where the event should be held etc. Your feedback is important and will help us to develop a tailored event to suit as many as possible. But please bear in mind that the options you choose will only influence the decisions made, and they may not necessarily conform to your answers.

with respect to Question 3 - if you aren't bothered how much the event costs, choose "over £50". That doesn't mean we'll target that, it just means we know that you don't mind paying whatever it costs for us to throw a great event. But we will do our best to keep all costs down as much as possible. The more people who attend the cheaper it will get effectively.

Lastly, your participation in this survey is appreciated.



Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes
B - No

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes No
B - Nottingham - Yes No
C - Leicester - Yes No
D - Northampton - Yes No

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
A - Up to £10
B - Up to £25
C - Up to £50
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
A - Yes
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
A - Yes
B - No
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes
B - No

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes
B - No

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
A - Exclusive
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping
B - Hotel

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes No
B - Late Spring - Yes No
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes No
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes No
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes No

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
C - Up to £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - No
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - No

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
Nothing to add at this time your honour.
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it if we can use a genny

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter yes
B - Late Spring yes
C - Early Summer Holidays yes
D - Late Summer Holidays yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments
Any school holidays are good for me as I can't take time off during term time.
Child friendly maybe?
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
C - Up to £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - No
C - Early Summer Holidays - No
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - No

11. Do you have any additional comments?
Kids holidays required. Elgrand based with options to grow.
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
A - Exclusive

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
Looking forward to it
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
C - Up to £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
B - No

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
B - No

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
B - No

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - No
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - No

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
A walk in fridge/freezer would be a bonus 😉
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Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
B - Up to £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
B - No

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50 yes

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up
B - No

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
B - Hotel

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
B - No

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - No

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
A - Yes

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
B - No

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
B - No

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - No
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
A - Yes

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summery Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
Nope sounds like a great idea 👌
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
B - No

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
Two sprogs, so school Holidays would be preferable, but not a requirement.
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
A - Exclusive

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - No
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - No
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
No dogs or children.
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
Do like a camping weekend especially with a cause
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - No

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
B - Up to £25

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
B - No

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
B - No

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - No
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
Online questionnaires have gotta be easier than typing all this up? Hit me up for free beer if I ever make it 👍

Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - No
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - No

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
C - Up to £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
A - Yes

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
B - No

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
B - No

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
B - No

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - No
B - Late Spring - No
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - No
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - No

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)
D - Over £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
B - No

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
B - No

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
B - No

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
1. Chosen site must be firepit friendly.
2. late night amplified music would be a bonus.
3. Any chance of a live band?
(wedding band cover type, can be quite cheap)
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - Yes
B - Nottingham - Yes
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
C - Up to £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
B - No

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
A - Yes

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - Yes
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - Yes

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
4 Kids
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Q1. Would you be interested in a 4 day event?
A - Yes

Q2. Which areas would you travel to? Please answer yes or no to each location.
A - Sheffield - No
B - Nottingham - No
C - Leicester - Yes
D - Northampton - Yes

Q3. How much would you be willing to pay per person for the event (not per night)?
C - Up to £50

Q4. Would you require the event to be dog/pet friendly?
A - Yes

Q5. Although the club can provide power for the main communal area for charging devices etc, would you need personal electric hook up?
C - Preferably, but can live without it (if generators are allowed)

Q6. Would you like us to organise some trade stands (merchandise, cleaning products etc)?
A - Yes

Q7. Would you be interested in a "Show and Shine" style competition?
A - Yes

Q8. Would you want this to be an Elgrand exclusive event, or would you like to see other cars/clubs?
B - Open

Q9. - Would you be OK with camping (either sleeping in your car, or a tent/awning) or would you need a local hotel?
A - Camping

Q10. What time of year would be best for an event? Please answer yes or no to each option. Answer yes to all for "no preference".
A - Easter - No
B - Late Spring - Yes
C - Early Summer Holidays - Yes
D - Late Summer Holidays - Yes
E - Late Summer / Early Autumn - No

Q11. Do you have any additional comments?
If possible disabled facilities