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Modified Nationals '24 28-30 June

If there are any vegetarians amongst us then please speak up, I am happy to make a batch of veggie burgers to ensure you are not left out, and will be cooked in a separate pan for you, and perhaps egg rolls/baps etc for breakfast
Of course you can, I'm easy if you want to use my cooking facilities then Ur more than welcome, I also make a mean veggie Memphis burger and am happy to make a couple for you
Who am I to refuse a mean veggie burger 😁 thanks Cliff, can't wait 👍
If there are any vegetarians amongst us then please speak up, I am happy to make a batch of veggie burgers to ensure you are not left out, and will be cooked in a separate pan for you, and perhaps egg rolls/baps etc for breakfast
I can give until Thursday 5pm ISH, if no reply from vegetarians then I'll only be catering for Wendy veggie wise, fair warning...
Don't mind a couple of your lovely veggie burgers if you don't mind, really enjoyed them at yakushi. Didn't want to put you to much trouble but if you ok would be nice 👌
Don't mind a couple of your lovely veggie burgers if you don't mind, really enjoyed them at yakushi. Didn't want to put you to much trouble but if you ok would be nice 👌
My pleasure mate, sorry I forgot to give you some to take home, bring some sort of cool box and there will be enough for you take back for yourself and family etc, and sorry I ran out of eggs on the Sunday morning, wasn't gonna do eggs this year but will make the effort for you and others
My pleasure mate, sorry I forgot to give you some to take home, bring some sort of cool box and there will be enough for you take back for yourself and family etc, and sorry I ran out of eggs on the Sunday morning, wasn't gonna do eggs this year but will make the effort for you and others
Cliff Goodwin, I've not met you yet but you are a legend, I think I need to bring you a beer or something in return, what's your tipple?
Cliff Goodwin, I've not met you yet but you are a legend, I think I need to bring you a beer or something in return, what's your tipple?
That's very kind of you, but most that know me will tell I don't really drink 😁, but on the odd occasion I do then anything with a high alcohol percentage really 😉
I may have a spare ticket for the weekend as it seems my friend can longer go if anyone is interested