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Lets have a clean joke thread. Laughter heals as they say. (NO NASTY, OBSCENE OR COVID19!)

I've never liked him. Always thought he was a bit creepy.
Well it doesn’t look like the Young Person welched on him according to to his legal representatives but the Young Persons Parents did. Is Money involved.? Strange affair - more to come I think, as the Met say no crime committed but their record of non investigation is world class at the minute. Yet what’s been printed so far indicates a clear offence under one Act, yet none under another. At the moment to me it looks like part of an attack on the BBC.
Well it doesn’t look like the Young Person welched on him according to to his legal representatives but the Young Persons Parents did. Is Money involved.? Strange affair - more to come I think, as the Met say no crime committed but their record of non investigation is world class at the minute. Yet what’s been printed so far indicates a clear offence under one Act, yet none under another. At the moment to me it looks like part of an attack on the BBC.
It's just banter, cruel maybe but no malice intended. Like Schofield he has allegedly committed acts that some find distasteful whilst not being illegal. If Huw Edwards is deeply troubled mentally then that is sad and needs addressing.
As usual the Red Tops conduct a witch-hunt. Begs the question... are television presenters meant to carry a shining moral torch and be above all others or are they just normal human beings with all the baggage that may entail.
Personally I don't give a fl^ing F^ck and don't seek moral guidance from the gogglebox. Media celebrities have been engaging in dubious sexual activity ever since Logie-Baird was a lad.
Take a read of Bob Monkhouse's autobiography, makes Huws supposed actions seem tame.