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Lets have a clean joke thread. Laughter heals as they say. (NO NASTY, OBSCENE OR COVID19!)

This is my last Saturday of being in my fifties, wish me luck

Totally agree with David! You are safe now and "old enough to know better" is well and truly behind you! Do what you want, with a big ole smile on ya face! Have a blast and have a fabulous 60th!!! 🥳
I look after an AirBnB down the street for the owner who lives abroad.

Anyway, I was just about to eat my dinner last night when the phone rang. A Geordie voice, in a bit of a panic, telling me that there was a buzzing noise in his bedroom at the house and he couldn't sleep. He said they'd all just finished a long shift (she mainly let's it out to contract workers) and he would have to sleep downstairs.

I said I'd go round.

I checked downstairs first, but couldn't hear the buzzing. We went up and I could hear the buzzing clearly by the bedroom door as I walked in. There is a table on the right as you go in. As I started to investigate the noise, he picked his bag up off the table and put it on the bed and the noise went with it...?

It was his rechargeable shaver!!!!!! 🤣

Bless him, he didn't know what to do with himself. His workmates were rolling around laughing when he told them what it was!

Anyway, crisis averted. 🤭
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I look after an AirBnB down the street, for the owner who lives abroad.

Anyway, I was just about to eat my dinner last night when the phone rang.

A Geordie voice, in a bit of a panic, telling me that there was a buzzing noise in his bedroom at the house and he couldn't sleep.

He said they'd all just finished a long shift (she mainly let's it out to contract workers) and he would have to sleep downstairs.

I said I'd go round.

I checked downstairs first, but couldn't hear the buzzing. We went up and I could hear the buzzing clearly by the bedroom door as I walked in.

There is a table on the right as you go in. As I started to investigate the noise, he picked his bag up off the table and put it on the bed and the noise went with it...?

It was his rechargeable shaver!!!!!! 🤣

Bless him, he didn't know what to do with himself! His workmates were rolling around laughing when he told them what it was!

Anyway, crisis averted! 🤭

Hahah classic! He's never going to live that down 😂
I look after an AirBnB down the street for the owner who lives abroad.

Anyway, I was just about to eat my dinner last night when the phone rang. A Geordie voice, in a bit of a panic, telling me that there was a buzzing noise in his bedroom at the house and he couldn't sleep. He said they'd all just finished a long shift (she mainly let's it out to contract workers) and he would have to sleep downstairs.

I said I'd go round.

I checked downstairs first, but couldn't hear the buzzing. We went up and I could hear the buzzing clearly by the bedroom door as I walked in. There is a table on the right as you go in. As I started to investigate the noise, he picked his bag up off the table and put it on the bed and the noise went with it...?

It was his rechargeable shaver!!!!!! 🤣

Bless him, he didn't know what to do with himself. His workmates were rolling around laughing when he told them what it was!

Anyway, crisis averted. 🤭
That didn’t go as I expected.
True story.
Janet and I went to a camping meet with a camping club we were in.
Anyway they were doing a fancy dress competition on the night.
As we had not taken anything we had to make a costume out of what we had.
Janet had a yellow top so with duck tape and some sticks to make wings we set about making her into a bee.
Came out canny.
But to make it more realistic I put my electric shaver in her pocket.
You can imagine what it sounded like lol
We all had a good laugh over it.
Did not win though.
I lived in India for over a year and the first meal out in a restaurant in Delhi, with new friends (18 of us sat around a huge table) didn't go so well.

I ordered a very mild chicken dish. I was so hungry I stuffed a great big mouthful in my gob and promptly spat it out, over most of the table.

I spent the rest of my time there eating rice, naans and fried chicken. EVERYTHING was soooo spicy! 🤣
  • Haha
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