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Lets have a clean joke thread. Laughter heals as they say. (NO NASTY, OBSCENE OR COVID19!)

That sums my day up perfectly Caroline. I seem to have had a complete brain fart all day.
I started the day with a lot of things I wanted to get done but ended up doing none of them.

I eventually just accepted that I wasn't going to even attempt to do anything because I knew I'd make a complete cock-up of everything and have to spend tomorrow sorting things out.
There was a knock on the door this afternoon and two electicians were there to upgrade the fuse on my house electrics so that I can charge the new EV at 7kw. I just stared at them as I had not been informed that they were coming and my brain just wouldn't process what was happening.
They could obviously see that I was confused and offered to come back tomorrow but I got it together and they did their job.
I think I'm just about over it now.

I hope tomorrow is better as I have a very important meeting to go to to. My wife has Dementia (FTD) and has recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer. She partly understands this but doesn't want to have the op to remove it. My son and I are having a meeting with the surgeon tomorrow to sort out Consent as the cancer is in a place that's easily operable and should be completely removed by the op. (Cut and join job.)

The NHS wouldn't do the op unless she had a Colonoscopy to get a good look at it and a biopsy and my wife said "They are NOT putting a camera up MY bum!" She's adamant about this but we finally talked her into getting the colonoscopy under a general anaesthetic. The NHS surgeon said no to this as the waiting list for it would be about six months and we didn't have that long, so we went private and found a surgeon who has looked at the scan and said that he will do it without a colonoscopy or, if deemed necessary, he'll do one while she is under the anaesthetic. We have just got back from a week in the Highlands to keep my wife occupied and were expecting the op to be next week, but it is going to be 4th July unless we can get him to speed things up tomorrow.
I definitely don't need another brain fart tomorrow!

Oh George what a time you are having. Puts my mornings WTF news, finding out from my Optician that I have cataracts in both my eyes, into perspective and gives me the kick up the arse I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself.

I do hope your brain fart has passed (you know what I mean!) and that things get easier for you all.

I'll try and lighten up my jokes again. I was in a slump.
We had a couple of guys from Enerdis turn up today to transfer our supply from overhead cable to the new underground. They knocked on the door and told us they would be turning off our power for a while.

I watched them remove the overhead cable and angle grind the support rings off the wall, coil up the old cable and chuck it in their wagon. They then crimped off the new underground cable to our incomer and connected up in the street cabinet. Nothing, not a single volt. So he goes off to make a phone call, comes back and starts reinstating the old overhead but now without the support ring, so now we have a loose and dangly cable across the top of our trees.

I wanted to ask why he didn't check for power at the cabinet first before ripping out the old cable but it would probably have got lost in translation, so I just said 'c'est la vie' and laughed. He did look a bit sheepish. It was all done within an hour though, so we weren't off grid for long.